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Disulfide-containing peptides from the glandular skin secretions of froglets of the genus Crinia: structure, activity and evolutionary trends.


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The skin secretions of Crinia signifera, C. riparia and C. deserticola contain bioactive disulfide-containing peptides. Signiferin 1 (RLCIPYIIPC-OH) from C. signifera and C. deserticola) contracts smooth muscle at a concentration of 10(-9) M, and effects proliferation of lymphocytes at 10(-6) M. In contrast, riparin 1.1 (RLCIPVIFC-OH) and riparin 1.2 (FLPPCAYKGTC-OH) from C. riparia show lymphocyte activity but do not contract smooth muscle. The lymphocyte and smooth muscle activities involve CCK2R. 3D structures of signiferin 1 and riparin 1.1 have been established using 2D NMR methods: these studies show significant differences in the shapes of the disulfide rings and with the orientations of the N-terminal residues. cDNA cloning establishes that the pre sections of the precursor pre-pro-riparin 1.4-1.6 peptides are different from the conserved pre regions of disulfide-containing antimicrobial peptides from species of the genus Rana found in the northern hemisphere and caerin antimicrobial peptides isolated from Australian tree frogs of the genus Litoria. This suggests that (i) either that riparins 1 have converged to similar structure and function to the ranid and hyloid prepropeptides which were lost initially from the myobatrachid lineage, or (ii) the prepropeptides in all three groups were derived from a single ancestral form that has remained relatively conserved in the hyloid and ranoid lineages but has undergone substantial divergent evolution in the myobatrachids.
机译:Crinia signifera,C。riparia和C. deserticola的皮肤分泌物中含有生物活性的含二硫化物的肽。 Signiferin 1(RLCIPYIIPC-OH)来自C. signifera和C.deserticola)在10(-9)M的浓度收缩平滑肌,并在10(-6)M时影响淋巴细胞的增殖。相反,riparin 1.1(RLCIPVIFC -OH)和来自rip。riparia的riparin 1.2(FLPPCAYKGTC-OH)显示淋巴细胞活性,但不收缩平滑肌。淋巴细胞和平滑肌活动涉及CCK2R。使用2D NMR方法已经建立了信号素1和肝素1.1的3D结构:这些研究表明二硫环的形状和N末端残基的方向存在显着差异。 cDNA克隆确定,前原肝素原1.4-1.6肽的前段与北半球Rana属物种的含二硫键的抗菌肽和从澳大利亚分离到的caerin抗菌肽的保守前区不同Litoria属的树蛙。这表明(i)肝素1的结构和功能与最初从成肌纤维谱系中丧失的花兰素和胶体前原肽汇聚成相似的结构和功能,或者(ii)所有三组中的前原肽均源于单一祖先形式,在菌丝和类脉谱系中,它一直保持相对保守,但在肌叶小球虫中却经历了实质性的分化进化。



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