首页> 外文期刊>Lithos: An International Journal of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry >Oxygen isotope evidence for crustal assimilation and magma mixing in the Granite Harbour Intrusives, Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica

Oxygen isotope evidence for crustal assimilation and magma mixing in the Granite Harbour Intrusives, Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica


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The stable isotope composition (O,H) of whole-rock and mineral separates of Cambrian-Ordovician gabbros, diorites, granodiorites and granites forming the Mt. Abbott composite intrusions (Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica) was measured to constrain the orgin and evolution of the magmas postdating the Ross Orogen. The delta~(18)O values of olivine gabbros plot in the field of slightly evolved mantle-derived melts (delta~(18)O_(WR)=6.8-7.4 per thousand). The O-isotope character of the mantle source inferred from the delta~(18)O values of cumulous olivine in gabbros (5.7-6.8 per thousand) is enriched in ~(18)O compared to modern arc-related magmas. Geochemical data and concurrent high delta~(18)O values, and initial strontium (~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr=0.7060) and neodymium (~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd=0.5122) isotope ratio indicate that the olivine gabbros formed by crustal contamination of a primary calcalkaline basaltic melt. The diorites have high delta~(18)O values, among the highest ever measured for dioritic rocks (8.7-10.3 per thousand), and Sr-isotope ratios that partially overlap with the adjacent and mingled felsic lithologies (0.708-0.710). The diorites have pyroxene with high, nearly constant detal~(18)O values (8.2-8.6 per thousand) that are independent from the silica content of the rocks; thus, they did not increase in response of the chemical evolution of the rocks. The diorites originated from the same primary calcalkaline basalt experiencing different amounts of crustal contamination, and underwent different degress of mixing with the adjacent granites, producing granodioritic facies and quartz/feldspar xenocrystic diorites. The delta~(18)O, ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr and ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd compositions of the granites and granodiorites overlap (10.8-12.1 per thousand, 0.7096-0.7108, 0.5119-0.5120). They are distinct from the values of the mafic rocks and indicate that gabbros and granites were not cogenetic. The granites are a separate melt component likely derived from nonmodal partial melting of fertile metal-igneous protoliths.
机译:寒武纪—奥陶纪辉长岩,闪长岩,花岗闪长岩和花岗岩的完整岩石和矿物分离物的稳定同位素组成(O,H)。测量了雅培复合材料侵入体(南极维多利亚州北部),以限制罗斯造山带之后的岩浆的起源和演化。橄榄岩辉长岩的δ〜(18)O值绘制在地幔衍生的熔融微区(δ〜(18)O_(WR)= 6.8-7.4 /千)。与现代弧相关岩浆相比,长辉岩中的累积橄榄石的δ〜(18)O值(千分之5.7-6.8)推断出的地幔源的O同位素特征丰富了〜(18)O。地球化学数据和并发的高δ〜(18)O值,以及初始锶(〜(87)Sr /〜(86)Sr = 0.7060)和钕(〜(143)Nd /〜(144)Nd = 0.5122)同位素比指出,钙铁碱性玄武质熔体的地壳污染形成了橄榄石辉长岩。闪长岩的δ〜(18)O值高,是有史以来闪长岩测得的最高值(千分之8.7-10.3),Sr-同位素比率与相邻的混杂长石岩性部分重叠(0.708-0.710)。闪长岩中的辉石具有很高的,几乎恒定的十氧合(18)O值(8.2-8.6 /千),而与岩石的二氧化硅含量无关。因此,它们并未因岩石的化学演化而增加。闪长岩起源于相同的钙盐碱性玄武岩,经历了不同程度的地壳污染,并且经历了与相邻花岗岩混合的不同过程,产生了闪长岩相和石英/长石异晶闪长岩。花岗岩和花岗闪长岩的δ〜(18)O,〜(87)Sr /〜(86)Sr和〜(143)Nd /〜(144)Nd组成重叠(千分之10.8-12.1,0.7096-0.7108,0.5119 -0.5120)。它们与镁铁质岩石的值不同,表明长辉岩和花岗岩不是共生的。花岗岩是一种独立的熔体成分,可能源自可熔金属火成原生质岩的非模式部分熔融。



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