首页> 外文期刊>Lithos: An International Journal of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry >Geochemical and isotopic constraints on the petrogenesis of Early Ordovician granodiorite and Variscan two-mica granites from the Gouveia area, central Portugal

Geochemical and isotopic constraints on the petrogenesis of Early Ordovician granodiorite and Variscan two-mica granites from the Gouveia area, central Portugal


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A biotite granodiorite and seven Sn-bearing two-mica granites crop out in the Gouveia area, central Portugal. A SHRIMP U-Th-Pb zircon age from the granodiorite, and monazite ages from four of the two-mica granites, show that they are of Early Ordovician (~480 Ma) and Permo-Carboniferous, i.e. Variscan (~305 and 290 Ma) age respectively. The Variscan two-mica granites are late- and post-D3. Major and trace element variation in the granitic rocks and their biotite and muscovite indicate mainly individual fractionation trends. The granitic rocks are mostly depleted in HREE relative to LREE. The biotite granodiorite is probably derived from igneous lower crust, as evidenced by low initial ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr (0.7036), high εNd_T ( + 2.5) and moderate δ~(18)O (8.8‰). The two-mica granites are probably derived by partial melting of heterogeneous mid-crustal metasediments, mainly metapelite and some metagraywacke, as evidenced by their high initial ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr (0.7076-0.7174), δ~(18)O (10.7-13.4‰) and major element compositions. However, variation diagrams for major and trace elements from two of the muscovite > biotite granites and their micas define fractionation trends. Rb-Sr whole-rock analyses from the two granites are perfectly fitted to a single isochron and the rocks have sub-parallel REE patterns; the younger granite is derived from the older by fractional crystallization of quartz, plagioclase, biotite and ilmenite (tested by modelling major and trace elements). Most of the Sn-bearing granites are derived from distinct magma batches. They result from partial melting of a heterogeneous mid-crustal metasediment. They do not represent a crustal anomaly in tin. Fractional crystallization is responsible for the increase in the Sn contents of the granites and their micas. Muscovite has a higher Sn content than coexisting biotite and is the principal host mineral for Sn in these rocks.
机译:在葡萄牙中部的Gouveia地区,种出了黑云母花岗闪长岩和7个含Sn的两云母花岗岩。花岗闪长岩的SHRIMP U-Th-Pb锆石年龄,以及两个云母花岗岩中的四个独居石年龄,表明它们是早奥陶纪(〜480 Ma)和二叠纪石炭纪,即瓦里斯卡纳(〜305和290 Ma)。 )年龄。 Variscan两云母花岗岩在D3后期和D3之后。花岗岩岩石及其黑云母和白云母中主要和微量元素的变化主要表明了个别的分馏趋势。相对于LREE,花岗石中的HREE大部分被消耗掉。黑云母花岗闪长岩可能源自火成岩的下地壳,其初始〜(87)Sr /〜(86)Sr(0.7036)低,εNd_T(+ 2.5)高和中等δ〜(18)O(8.8‰)证明了这一点。两云母花岗岩可能是由于部分异质中壳变质沉积物的部分熔融而形成的,主要是变质岩和一些变灰质瓦克岩,其初始的〜(87)Sr /〜(86)Sr(0.7076-0.7174)高,δ〜( 18)O(10.7-13.4‰)和主要元素组成。然而,来自两个白云母>黑云母花岗岩及其云母的主要元素和痕量元素的变化图定义了分馏趋势。来自两个花岗岩的Rb-Sr全岩石分析非常适合单个等时线,并且岩石具有次平行的REE模式。较年轻的花岗岩是通过石英,斜长石,黑云母和钛铁矿的分步结晶(通过对主要元素和微量元素进行建模测试)而从较老的花岗岩中提取的。大多数含锡花岗岩均来自不同的岩浆批次。它们是由于异质中壳变质沉积的部分融化造成的。它们不代表锡的地壳异常。分级结晶是导致花岗岩及其云母中锡含量增加的原因。白云母具有比共生黑云母更高的锡含量,并且是这些岩石中锡的主要主体矿物。



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