首页> 外文期刊>Lithos: An International Journal of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry >Composition and thermal evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Harrat Uwayrid,eastern flank of the Red Sea rift (Saudi Arabia)

Composition and thermal evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Harrat Uwayrid,eastern flank of the Red Sea rift (Saudi Arabia)

机译:红海裂谷(沙特阿拉伯)东部侧面Harrat Uwayrid下的岩石圈地幔的组成和热演化

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Harrat Uwayrid is one of several volcanic fields that developed along the western margin of the Arabian plate during opening of the Red Sea rift.Volcanic activity started in the late Miocene and Pliocene with the eruption of alkaline flood basalts.After a period of extensional faulting,numerous cinder cones formed in the central part of the volcanic field during the Quaternary.Xenoliths of both mantle and crustal origin are abundant.The mantle-derived suite is dominated by spinel lherzolite with X_(Mg) of olivine and X_(Cr) of spinel ranging from 0.868 to 0.911 and from 0.074 to 0.636,respectively.In addition to lherzolite,various types of pyroxenites and wehrlites occur.Most xenoliths contain primary and/or secondary amphibole (pargasite/kaersutite),indicating at least two enrichment events,both related to the formation of the Red Sea.Chemical zonation profiles of mineral grains constrain the thermal evolution of the xenoliths and their source regions in the shallow upper mantle.Ca contents in olivine are constant in the inner parts of the grains,but increase in the outermost zones (<35 mu m).X_(Mg) values of spinel grains adjacent to olivine often show a rimward increase in their outer zones (< 150 urn).Both types of zonation patterns are interpreted to result from heating by the host magma during transport.Zonation patterns of Al and Ca/(1 -Na) in pyroxene grains record different thermal evolutions,such as (i) simple cooling,whereby a 'near-equilibrium' state was rarely achieved,(ii) cooling followed by heating,and (iii) simple heating.Diffusion modelling on measured zoning profiles suggests that cooling lasted for no more than ~ 10 Myr.Temperature estimates for pyroxene core and rim compositions,calculated by using various pyroxene geothermometers range from ~ 800 to 1140 °C (at an assumed pressure of 1.5 GPa).In conjunction with upper pressure limits derived from the composition of spinel,these values imply relatively high temperatures for the shallow upper mantle.This is corroborated by P~T estimates for spinel lherzolites obtained by combination of the two-pyroxene thermometer based on the solvus between enstatite and diopside and the Ca-in-olivine geothermobarometer.While the high- T state that preceded cooling was probably a regional phenomenon,renewed heating was of local nature,most probably related to advective heat transport by ascending and stagnating magmas.
机译:哈拉特·乌韦里德(Harrat Uwayrid)是红海裂谷开放期间沿阿拉伯板块西缘发展的几个火山场之一,火山活动始于中新世和上新世末期,随后是碱性洪水玄武岩的喷发。在第四纪期间,在火山田的中心部分形成了许多煤渣锥。地幔和地壳起源的异岩都很丰富。地幔衍生的套件以尖晶石锂铁矿为主,橄榄石的X_(Mg)和尖晶石的X_(Cr)范围分别为0.868至0.911和0.074至0.636。除了锂铁矿外,还会出现各种类型的辉石岩和辉绿岩。大多数异种岩都含有原生和/或次生闪石(辉石/钙矾石),表明至少有两个富集事件,两者都相关矿物颗粒的化学区带分布限制了浅地幔中异种岩及其源区的热演化。橄榄石中的晶粒在晶粒的内部是恒定的,但在最外面的区域中增大(<35μm)。与橄榄石相邻的尖晶石晶粒的X_(Mg)值通常在其外部区域中向边缘增大(<150 um)两种类型的分区模式都被解释为是由宿主岩浆在运输过程中加热导致的。辉石晶粒中Al和Ca /(1-Na)的分区模式记录了不同的热演化,例如(i)简单冷却,从而很少达到``接近平衡''状态,(ii)冷却后再加热,以及(iii)简单加热。对测得的分区分布进行扩散建模表明冷却持续时间不超过〜10 Myr。辉石芯和轮辋的温度估算值使用各种辉石地热仪计算的组成范围为〜800至1140°C(在1.5 GPa的假定压力下)。再加上尖晶石组成的上限压力,这些值意味着浅层上半部的温度相对较高结合钙钛矿和透辉石之间的溶质的二-温度计和橄榄石中钙的地热气压计的结合,对尖晶石锂沸石的P〜T估计值证实了这一点。这是一个区域性现象,新的采暖是局部性的,很可能与通过上升和停滞岩浆引起的对流热传递有关。



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