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An evaluation of conventional and subirrigated planters for urban agriculture: Supporting evidence


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Although interest in integrating agriculture into the urban landscape in the USA is increasing rapidly, there is a shortage of guidance for agricultural production in this context as well as a unique set of significant biophysical constraints. A common constraint is not being able to grow directly in the soil, making raised-bed gardening a necessity. Subirrigated planters (SIPs) are a style of raised bed with a subsoil reservoir that provides aeration and allows growers to irrigate below the soil where water is pulled up via capillary action. This bed design has vocal advocates; anecdotally, growers find them to be high yielding, water efficient and easier to maintain than standard raised beds. Given their apparent promise, there is interest in promoting SIPs and in utilizing them in larger-scale urban gardening operations but no rigorous tests compare these beds relative to standard raised beds. At one location and for one season, we compared yields for three crops: cayenne pepper (Capsicum annuum), sungold cherry tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) and lacinato kale (Brassica oleracea), crop quality and labor input for two styles of SIPs, as well as a sack garden, a variation of a SIP that does not require lightweight soil, with two conventional raised beds (one with a compost and topsoil mix and one with the soilless growing medium ideal for container gardening). Results from our first year of data indicate that both the SIP beds and the conventional beds with the soilless growing medium were more productive overall than conventional raised beds with topsoil and compost (P0.01). Tomato production in the SIP without the root barrier was greater than both the conventional bed with the compost and topsoil mix (P0.01) and the conventional bed with the soilless growing medium (P0.05). The majority of the higher-cost beds had a positive revenue stream in the first summer season; given these results, investing in SIPs or in soil appropriate for raised beds appears to be worth the higher initial cost.
机译:尽管在美国将农业纳入城市景观的兴趣正在迅速增加,但在这种情况下,农业生产的指导缺乏,并且存在一系列独特的重要生物物理约束条件。一个常见的限制是不能直接在土壤中生长,因此必须使用高架床进行园艺。地下灌溉播种机(SIP)是一种带有地下土壤蓄水池的高架床,可以提供通气,并允许种植者在土壤下方灌溉,通过毛细作用将水向上拉。这种床的设计具有人声提倡者;有趣的是,与标准的高架床相比,种植者发现它们具有高产,节水和易于维护的特点。鉴于其明显的前景,人们有兴趣推广SIP并将其用于大规模的城市园艺操作中,但尚无严格的测试将这些床与标准高架床进行比较。在一个地点和一个季节,我们比较了三种农作物的产量:辣椒,辣椒樱桃西红柿(番茄)和无头甘蓝(芸苔),两种SIP的作物质量和人工投入作为一个麻袋花园,一种不需要轻质土壤的SIP变体,它带有两张常规的高架床(一张带有堆肥和表土的混合物,一张带有无土栽培介质,非常适合容器园艺)。我们第一年的数据结果表明,SIP床和具有无土栽培介质的常规床的总体生产率高于具有表土和堆肥的常规高架床(P <0.01)。在没有根障的SIP中,番茄的产量均高于具有堆肥和表土混合物的常规床(P <0.01)和具有无土栽培介质的常规床(P <0.05)。大部分较高价的床在第一个夏季都有不错的收入来源。鉴于这些结果,对SIP或适合于高架床的土壤进行投资似乎值得较高的初始成本。



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