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Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD) symptoms in children with autism, ADHD, and neurotypical development and impact of co-occurring ODD, depression, and anxiety


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Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD) is a controversial diagnosis introduced in the DSM-5 that is particularly relevant to autism and other disorders in which DMDD symptoms (irritable-angry mood and temper outbursts) are common. Mothers rated DMDD symptoms in 1593 children with autism, ADHD, and neurotypical development (616 years, IQ >= 80). Percentages with DMDD symptoms (often or very often) were autism 45%, ADHD-Combined type 39%, ADHD-Inattentive type 12%, and neurotypical 3%. Almost all (91%) with DMDD symptoms met DSM-5 criteria for ODD, and 79% with ODD had DMDD symptoms. Only 5% without ODD had DMDD symptoms, and most of these had autism. Children with autism had significantly higher DMDD scores than all other groups, even when the oppositional behavior score (excluding the two DMDD symptoms) was controlled. The findings suggest that DMDD and ODD are not meaningfully differentiated based on their symptoms and that DMDD symptoms are particularly common in autism, more so than expected by comorbid ODD alone. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:破坏性情绪失调障碍(DMDD)是DSM-5中引入的一项有争议的诊断,尤其与自闭症和其他以DMDD症状(烦躁的情绪和脾气暴发)为常见的其他障碍有关。母亲对1593名自闭症,注意力缺陷多动障碍和神经型发育儿童(616岁,智商> = 80)的DMDD症状进行了评估。患有DMDD症状(经常或非常频繁)的百分比为自闭症45%,ADHD合并型39%,ADHD注意力不集中型12%和神经型3%。几乎所有(91%)患有DMDD症状的患者均符合DSM-5的ODD标准,而79%患有ODDD的患者具有DMDD症状。没有ODD的只有5%的人患有DMDD症状,并且大多数患有自闭症。即使控制了对立行为评分(不包括两种DMDD症状),自闭症儿童的DMDD得分也明显高于所有其他组。研究结果表明,DMDD和ODD不能根据其症状进行有意义的区分,并且DMDD症状在自闭症中尤其常见,比单独的共病ODD所期望的要多。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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