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Genetic diversity in Lathyrus sativus L. germplasm


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Grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.) is food, feed and fodder crop. The total acreage of grass pea is estimated at 1.50 million ha with annual production of 1.20 million ton. Lathyrus sativus has extensive tolerance of drought, waterlogging and poor semiarid soils; resistance to insects and pests. The crop originated in the Balkan Peninsula. It favours self-pollination. However, there have been indications that some out crossing occurs in the species (from 9.8 to 27.8%). The seeds of L. sativus provide asource of protein and carbohydrate that are able to sustain life during periods of famine when other food is unavailable. However, the presence of neuro-toxic ODAP in the different parts of the plant is limiting the use of this crop. A study of genetic diversity and its relation to geographical diversity may contribute information about the center of diversity and origin of domestication of a cultivated crop. The genetic variation can be exploited in breeding programmes aimed at crop improvement. Vast arrays of analyses are used worldwide to estimate genetic variability. L. sativus shows great morphological variation, especially in vegetative characters such as leaf length, while floral characters are much less variable. L. sativus ecotypes are classified on the basis of flower color, marking on pods, and size and color of seeds, which in many cases is connected with their geographical distribution. These characteristics, as well as yield and also nutritional traits of seeds have been estimated to describe the great variability of accessions of both, L. sativus and L. cicera. Cytological investigations have shown that the basic chromosome number of x = 7 is constant throughout the genus and that most of the species are diploid, with polyploidy as rare exceptions. Despite this stability in chromosome number, large variations in chromosome size have played an important role in the evolution of Lathyrus species. SDS-PAGE analysis of reduced seed globulins of lathyrus species showed intra-specific variation due to individual variation and/or differences among accessions. It has been repotted that SDS-PAGE of albumins and globulins of different grass pea even of the same geographic origin, have variation in number, width and intensity of bands, concluding that geographical origin does not influence specific seed protein contents and its polymorphism. In grass pea, the literature on both genetic diversity and intra and inter-specific-relationships among collections based on the electrophoretic analysisof isoenzyme is quite poor. Molecular markers including AFLPs, RFLP, RAPD, ISSR and EST-SSRs have proved to be useful for assessing genetic relationships, taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships within and between the sections and the species of the genus Lathyrus.
机译:草豌豆(Lathyrus sativus L.)是食物,饲料和饲料作物。草豌豆总面积估计为150万公顷,年产量为120万吨。山thy豆对干旱,涝渍和贫瘠的半干旱土壤具有广泛的耐受性。抗病虫害。该作物起源于巴尔干半岛。它有利于自花授粉。但是,有迹象表明,该物种中发生了一些越界(从9.8到27.8%)。莴苣的种子提供了蛋白质和碳水化合物的来源,这些蛋白质和碳水化合物能够在饥荒期间无法提供其他食物时维持生命。但是,植物不同部位存在神经毒性ODAP限制了该作物的使用。对遗传多样性及其与地理多样性的关系的研究可能会提供有关多样性中心和栽培作物驯化起源的信息。可以在旨在改善作物的育种计划中利用遗传变异。世界范围内使用大量分析来估计遗传变异性。番茄L. sativus表现出很大的形态变异,特别是在营养性状如叶片长度上,而花卉性状的变异性则小得多。莴苣的生态型根据花的颜色,豆荚上的标记以及种子的大小和颜色进行分类,在许多情况下,种子的大小和颜色与其地理分布有关。据估计,这些特性以及种子的产量和营养性状描述了番茄和番茄的种质差异很大。细胞学研究表明,x = 7的基本染色体数在整个属中是恒定的,并且大多数物种是二倍体的,多倍体为例外。尽管染色体数目具有这种稳定性,但是染色体大小的巨大变化在山thy豆属物种的进化中起了重要作用。对山thy豆属物种的减少的种子球蛋白的SDS-PAGE分析显示,由于个体差异和/或种质差异,种内差异也存在。据报道,即使是同一地理起源的不同草豌豆的白蛋白和球蛋白的SDS-PAGE,其条带的数量,宽度和强度也存在差异,这表明地理起源不会影响特定种子蛋白的含量及其多态性。在草豌豆中,基于同工酶电泳分析的遗传多样性以及种间和种间间关系的文献非常贫乏。事实证明,包括AFLP,RFLP,RAPD,ISSR和EST-SSR在内的分子标记可用于评估山thy豆属的切片和种之间以及它们之间的遗传关系,分类学和系统发育关系。



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