首页> 外文期刊>Livestock Science >Greenhouse gas emission intensities of grass silage based dairy and beef production: A systems analysis of Norwegian farms

Greenhouse gas emission intensities of grass silage based dairy and beef production: A systems analysis of Norwegian farms


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To increase food production while minimizing its influence on climate change, farming systems in future will need to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per unit of product (i.e., GHG intensity). To assess the level and variation in GHG emissions intensity among Norwegian dairy farms, we conducted an analysis of 30 dairy farms to calculate farm scale emissions of GHGs, expressed as CO2 equivalents (CO(2)eq) per kg fat and protein corrected milk (FPCM), and CO(2)eq/kg carcass weight (CW) sold. A model, HolosNor, was developed to estimate net GHG emissions, including soil C changes, from dairy farms. The model requires farm scale input data of soil physical characteristics, weather, and farm operations. Based on data from 2008 the estimated level of GHG intensity was 1.02 kg CO(2)eq kg(-1) FPCM, 21.67 kg CO(2)eq kg(-1) CW sold as culled cows and heifers, and 17.25 kg CO(2)eq kg(-1) CW sold as young bulls. On average, enteric CH4 was the largest emission source both per unit FPCM and CW, accounting for 0.39 kg CO(2)eq kg(-1) FPCM, 8.34 kg CO(2)eq kg(-1) CW sold as culled cows and heifers, and 6.84 kg CO(2)eq kg(-1) CW sold as young bulls. Variation in the estimated soil N2O emissions was the source that contributed the most to the total variation among the farms; the difference between the minimum and the maximum levels was estimated to be 0.30 kg CO(2)eq kg(-1) FPCM, and 6.43 and 6.49 kg CO(2)eq kg(-1) CW sold as culled cows/heifers and young bulls, respectively. Other GHG emission sources also varied considerably among the farms; similar to the N2O emissions, higher emissions of enteric CH4, indirect energy use due to manufacturing of farm inputs, and soil C change all contributed to the higher GHG intensity of some farms. Our study estimates large variation in GHG intensity among dairy farms in Norway and indicates a sensitivity of the emissions to mitigation measures. Production of milk and beef is a complex biological system, thus mitigation options are likely to be most successful when applied in small steps. Thus, the most valuable contribution of the current work is the framework of an on-farm tool for assessing farm-specific mitigation options of Norwegian dairy and beef production
机译:为了增加粮食产量同时最大程度地减少其对气候变化的影响,未来的耕作制度将需要减少每单位产品的温室气体排放量(即温室气体排放强度)。为了评估挪威奶牛场中温室气体排放强度的水平和变化,我们对30个奶牛场进行了分析,以计算农场规模的温室气体排放量,以每千克经脂肪和蛋白质校正的牛奶的二氧化碳当量(CO(2)eq)表示( FPCM)和CO(2)eq / kg cas体重量(CW)。开发了HolosNor模型来估算奶牛场的温室气体净排放量,包括土壤碳的变化。该模型需要农场规模的土壤物理特征,天气和农场运营的输入数据。根据2008年的数据,GHG强度的估算水平为1.02 kg CO(2)eq kg(-1)FPCM,21.67 kg CO(2)eq kg(-1)作为淘汰母牛和小母牛出售的CW和17.25 kg CO (2)eq kg(-1)CW作为多头公牛出售。平均而言,肠甲烷CH4是单位FPCM和CW的最大排放源,占以淘汰母牛皮出售的0.39 kg CO(2)eq kg(-1)FPCM,8.34 kg CO(2)eq kg(-1)CW作为淘汰母牛出售和小母牛,以及6.84千克CO(2)eq千克(-1)CW作为年轻公牛出售。估计的土壤N2O排放量的变化是造成农场间总变化最大的原因。最小和最大水平之间的差异估计为0.30 kg CO(2)eq kg(-1)FPCM,6.43和6.49 kg CO(2)eq kg(-1)CW作为淘汰母牛/小母牛出售和年轻的公牛分别。农场之间的其他温室气体排放源也相差很大。与N2O排放相似,肠道CH4的排放更高,由于生产农场投入品而导致的间接能源使用以及土壤C的变化,都导致某些农场的温室气体排放强度更高。我们的研究估计挪威奶牛场之间的温室气体排放强度存在很大差异,并表明排放对缓解措施的敏感性。牛奶和牛肉的生产是一个复杂的生物系统,因此,在小规模应用时,缓解措施可能最成功。因此,当前工作最有价值的贡献是用于评估挪威奶业和牛肉生产的农场特定缓解方案的农场工具框架



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