首页> 外文期刊>Livestock Science >Prevalence and risk factors for lameness in insulated free stall barns in Finland

Prevalence and risk factors for lameness in insulated free stall barns in Finland


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Lameness is a painful condition that alters physiology and behavior of dairy cattle. The main objective of this study was to explore the prevalence of lameness in dairy cows, and its association with housing and herd management Another aim was to identify poorly functioning structures and equipment that may contribute to increased lameness. Data on herd management, and barn design and functionality were collected in 87 herds, and the gait of 3459 cows was scored. Of the cows scored, 23% were lame (lameness scores 3-5; from slightly abnormal gait to severe lameness). The median within-herd lameness prevalence was 21%, ranging from 2 to 62%. The association between cow level lameness risk and cow specific risk factors was modeled with a logistic regression analysis. The odds ratio (OR) for lameness was for Holstein cows 1.6 (CI 1.3-1.9) times higher than for Ayrshire cows. Second and 3+parity cows were more likely to be lame than first lactation cows; OR 2.1 (CI 1.7-2.8) and 6.0 (CI4.8-7.7), respectively. A herd level lameness prevalence estimate, accounting for the effects of cow's breed and parity, was used as an outcome in modeling housing and management related risk factors. Lameness prevalence was lower in herds with a feed barrier divided to separate feeding places (0.17), compared to the ones with a post-and-rail (0.24). The lameness estimate was higher in herds with very slippery floors (0.31) than in herds with slightly slippery (0.16) or firm floors (0.16). The prevalence of lameness was associated with the width of a walking alley next to the feeding table, being 0.17 for herds that had alleys wider than 340 cm, and 0.23 for herds with an alley narrower than 320 cm. Lameness estimate (0.18) was lower if water was supplied from water cups only compared to water being supplied water from both cups and troughs (0.23). Most farmers had not adjusted neck and front rails properly in stalls, and had hard stall surfaces, compromising cow comfort. More than a half of the studied herds had problems with manure removal and urine drainage. Those findings suggest that there is a great need to educate dairy farmers and construction planners of the benefits and factors contributing to claw and leg health. Also, more emphasis should be placed to proper manure removal and urine drainage.
机译:me行是一种痛苦的状况,会改变奶牛的生理和行为。这项研究的主要目的是探讨奶牛la行的流行及其与住房和畜群管理的关系。另一个目的是确定功能不良的结构和设备,可能导致contribute行增加。收集了87个牛群的牛群管理,牛舍设计和功能数据,并对3459头牛的步态进行了评分。在得分的母牛中,有23%为were足(lam足得分3-5;从轻微的步态到严重to足)。群体中me行患病率的中位数为21%,范围为2%至62%。奶牛水平model行风险与奶牛特定风险因素之间的关联通过逻辑回归分析建模。 Hol牛的优势比(OR)是爱尔郡奶牛的1.6(CI 1.3-1.9)倍。与第一泌乳母牛相比,第二和三+胎的母牛更容易be腿。或2.1(CI 1.7-2.8)和6.0(CI4.8-7.7)。在对住房和管理相关的风险因素进行建模时,使用了考虑到母牛的品种和同等影响的畜群la行患病率估计值。与有栏杆围栏(0.24)的牛相比,将饲喂栏划分为单独的饲草的牛群的me行患病率较低(0.17)。地板非常湿滑的牧群的0.3行估计值较高(0.31),而地板稍湿滑的牧群(0.16)较高。 me行的发生率与靠近喂食台的步行小巷的宽度有关,小巷宽于340厘米的牧群为0.17,小巷窄于320厘米的牧群为0.23。如果仅从水杯供水,则足估计值(0.18)低于从水杯和低谷供水的水(0.23)。大多数农民没有在摊位中适当地调节脖子和前栏杆,并且摊位表面坚硬,损害了奶牛的舒适度。超过一半的受研究牛群在排粪和排尿方面存在问题。这些发现表明,迫切需要对奶农和建筑规划者进行有益于爪和腿健康的益处和因素的教育。另外,应更加重视适当的去除粪便和排尿。



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