首页> 外文期刊>Livestock Science >Effect of abandoning highland grazing on nutrient balances and economic performance of Italian Alpine dairy farms

Effect of abandoning highland grazing on nutrient balances and economic performance of Italian Alpine dairy farms


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In many European mountain areas, such as the Alps, highland grazing is declining. In addition to its effect on natural landscape and biodiversity, abandoning highland grazing may affect dairy-farm profitability and have environmental consequences in the lowland. The objective of this study was to assess economic and environmental effects of abandoning highland grazing of dairy herds in the central Italian Alps. We compared environmental and economic indicators of 12 farms that applied highland grazing (HG) of dairy cows with those of 16 farms that applied no grazing (NG), neither in highland nor in lowland. Environmental indicators used were nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) surplus per ha of land or per ton of FCM (fat-corrected milk). Economic indicators used were labor income of the farm family (k(sic) per farm) or labor income per ton of FCM ((sic)ton(-1) FCM). Compared with HG farms, NG farms had larger total milk production (370.7 vs 141.4 ton FCM), higher production per ha (13.9 vs 8.4 ton FCM ha(-1)) and higher annual milk yield per cow (6.3 vs 4.4 ton FCM). Because of the extensive manner of milk production in highland of HG farms, the NP surplus per ha of highland was negligible (6.4 N and -0.2 P ha(-1) year(-1)), and, therefore, not further considered. The N surplus averaged 186 kg N ha(-1) year(-1) for NG farms compared with 137 kg N ha(-1) year(-1) for lowland of HG farms. The P surplus averaged 30 kg P ha(-1) year for NG farms compared with 24 kg P ha(-1) year(-1) for lowland of HG farms. A high milk production per ha and a low % FSS (feed self-sufficiency) were associated with a high NP surplus, whereas the grazing system did not affect NP surplus per ha. Labor income per farm was lower for HG farms (30.3 k(sic)) than for NG farms (72.2 k(sic)), but expressed in euro per ton FCM, labor income was higher for HG (0.24(sic)) than for NG farms (0.16(sic)). A smaller farm size in the lowland and a lower milk production per ha lowland explained the lower labor income for FIG farms compared with NG farms. Additional revenues from highland grazing, i.e. high-value cheese and grazing subsidies, caused higher labor income per ton FCM for FIG than for NG farms. Hence, farmers tend to increase their net farm income by increasing their milk production per farm, via increasing their area of lowland and/or their milk production per ha lowland, while at the same time they abandon highland grazing. As enlargement of the lowland area is hampered by increasing urbanization of the valleys of the Italian Alps, farmers probably will increase their milk production per ha lowland. A higher milk production per ha lowland, however, will increase the environmental impact in the lowlands
机译:在许多欧洲山区,例如阿尔卑斯山,高地放牧正在减少。除了对自然景观和生物多样性产生影响外,放弃高地放牧还可能影响奶牛场的盈利能力,并在低地产生环境影响。这项研究的目的是评估在意大利中部阿尔卑斯山放弃奶牛牧场高地放牧的经济和环境影响。我们比较了在高地和低地均采用奶牛高地放牧(HG)的12个农场与不采用牧场(NG)的16个农场的环境和经济指标。使用的环境指标是每公顷土地或每吨FCM(校正脂肪的牛奶)剩余的氮(N)和磷(P)。使用的经济指标是农场家庭的劳动收入(每个农场的k(sic))或每吨FCM的劳动收入((sic)ton(-1)FCM)。与HG农场相比,NG农场的总牛奶产量更高(370.7 vs 141.4吨FCM),每公顷产量更高(13.9 vs 8.4 ton FCM ha(-1))和每头母牛的年产奶量更高(6.3 vs 4.4吨FCM) 。由于在HG农场的高地生产牛奶的方式广泛,因此每公顷高地的NP盈余可以忽略不计(6.4 N和-0.2 P ha(-1)year(-1)),因此不再作进一步考虑。 NG农场的平均过剩氮为186 kg N ha(-1)年(-1),而HG农场的低地为137 kg N ha(-1)年(-1)。 NG农场的平均磷过剩年为30 kg P ha(-1)年,而HG农场的低地平均为24 kg P ha(-1)年(-1)。每公顷高产奶量和低FSS(饲料自给率)百分比与较高的NP过剩有关,而放牧制度并不影响每公顷NP过剩。 HG农场的每农场劳动收入(30.3 k(sic))低于NG农场(72.2 k(sic)),但以欧元/吨FCM表示,HG的劳动力收入(0.24(sic))高于NG农场。 NG农场(0.16(原文如此))。低地的农场规模较小,每公顷低地的牛奶产量较低,这说明FIG农场的农场收入低于NG农场。高地放牧带来的额外收入,即高价值的奶酪和放牧补贴,导致无花果的每吨FCM劳动收入高于不养牛场。因此,农民往往通过增加低地面积和/或每公顷低地牛奶产量来增加每个农场的牛奶产量,从而增加其农业净收入,同时放弃高地放牧。由于意大利阿尔卑斯山山谷的日益城市化阻碍了低地面积的扩大,农民每公顷低地的牛奶产量可能会增加。但是,每公顷低地的牛奶产量更高,将增加低地对环境的影响



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