首页> 外文期刊>Livestock Science >Effect of milking frequency and nutritional level on hoof health, locomotion score and lying behaviour of dairy cows

Effect of milking frequency and nutritional level on hoof health, locomotion score and lying behaviour of dairy cows


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This study evaluated the effect of milking frequency (MF; once a day (OAD) versus twice a day (TAD)) at two nutritional levels (NL) on hoof health, locomotion and lying behaviour of dairy cows. Cows (n =72) were randomly assigned to one of four treatments from calving in a 2c2 factorial design for an entire lactation: OAD or TAD milking at a high (30.9kg DM/c/d) or low (18.8kg DM/c/d) herbage allowance NL. Hoof health (sole lesions, heel erosion, digital dermatitis and white line disease) and locomotory ability (including overall locomotion, ab/adduction, tracking, speed, head carriage and spine curvature scores) were assessed on 6 occasions between calving in the spring and housing the following autumn. Udder firmness was recorded in the milking parlour prior to milking at approximately 57, 93 and 132days in milk (DIM). Standing/lying behaviour was recorded using modified voltage dataloggers over 2c24h periods at approximately 157 and 208DIM. Cows milked OAD had lower sole lesion (P <0.05) and white line disease (P <0.01) scores, but higher heel erosion scores (P <0.05) than cows milked TAD. There was an interaction between time of examination and MF (P <0.05) for locomotion scores; although in early lactation cows milked OAD had higher overall locomotion scores than TAD cows, this was reversed later in lactation. OAD cows had higher ab/adduction scores in early lactation (P <0.05). On the other hand, speed and head carriage scores were all higher for TAD compared to OAD cows. High NL cows had higher overall ab/adduction (P <0.01) scores, and at 57DIM had higher udder tension scores than low NL cows (P <0.001). Neither MF nor NL had an effect on total lying times. However cows on the high NL and OAD treatments spent less time standing after morning milking (P <0.05), and spent more time per hour lying between 0900 and 1200. Cows milked OAD also spent more time than TAD cows lying between 1530 and 1830. High abduction scores in the OAD cows in early lactation may be related to discomfort in the udder. In general however, OAD milking resulted in improvements to hoof health and locomotion ability. Moreover, cows milked OAD use the extra time at pasture in the afternoon to rest, an option that is not available to TAD milked cows. Fewer disruptions to the diurnal pattern of OAD cows are an indication of improved welfare.
机译:这项研究评估了两种营养水平(NL)挤奶频率(MF;每天一次(OAD)与每天两次(TAD)对比)对奶牛健康,运动和躺卧行为的影响。将母牛(n = 72)随机分为4种处理方法之一,从以2c2因子分解法进行产犊以进行整个泌乳:以高(30.9kg DM / c / d)或低(18.8kg DM / c)的OAD或TAD挤奶/ d)草本津贴NL。在春季和春季产犊之间的6次之间评估了蹄的健康状况(鞋底病变,足跟糜烂,指皮炎和白线病)和运动能力(包括总体运动,绝对/内收,追踪,速度,头部抬头和脊柱弯曲评分)。住房在第二年秋天。在挤奶前约57、93和132天挤奶(DIM)之前,在挤奶厅记录了乳房的坚硬程度。使用修改后的电压数据记录器在2c24h的时间内以大约157DIM和208DIM记录站立/躺下行为。挤奶的OAD的足底病变(P <0.05)和白线病(P <0.01)得分较低,但足跟侵蚀得分(P <0.05)高于挤奶的TAD。运动时间与检查时间和MF之间存在交互作用(P <0.05);尽管在泌乳早期,OAD奶牛的总体运动评分比TAD奶牛高,但泌乳后期却相反。 OAD奶牛在早期泌乳期具有更高的抗体吸收/内收评分(P <0.05)。另一方面,与OAD母牛相比,TAD的速度和头部托架得分均更高。高NL牛的总体ab /内收评分较高(P <0.01),而57DIM的乳房张力评分则比低NL奶牛更高(P <0.001)。 MF和NL都不会影响总躺时间。但是,采用高NL和OAD处理的奶牛早上挤奶后的站立时间较少(P <0.05),每小时花费在0900至1200之间的时间更长。与1530年至1830年的TAD母牛相比,挤奶OAD的时间也更多。泌乳初期OAD奶牛的外展分数高可能与乳房不适有关。但是,一般而言,OAD挤奶可以改善蹄的健康和运动能力。此外,挤奶的OAD奶牛会在下午的牧场上多花些时间来休息,而TAD挤奶的奶牛则没有这种选择。对OAD母牛日间格局的干扰较少,这表明福利得到改善。



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