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Coming in from the fields


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If fewer young people are out there getting their hands dirty in the quest for knowledge, does that mean naturalists are a dying breed? If you enjoy a game of conkers or just like collecting these aesthetically satisfying seeds of the horse chestnuttree, be grateful to Marian Comfort, a resident, of Wimbledon in South-west London. Last summer, Mrs Comfort noticed that her conker tree's leaves were turning brown, and so she contacted plant pathologists at the Royal Horticultural Society, who in turnalerted the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. And not a moment too soon, for the leaves were infested with the horse chestnut leaf miner Cameraria obridella, a moth that has already devastated the species across Europe. If it were to spread throughout the British Isles, the consequences for conker players are too awful to contemplate. Mrs Comfort has received a personal letter of thanks from Elliot Morley, the government minister responsible for forestry.
机译:如果外面有更少的年轻人在寻求知识的过程中变得肮脏,这是否意味着博物学家将要死了?如果您喜欢玩七叶树游戏,或者喜欢收集这些栗子树的美学令人满意的种子,请感激伦敦西南部温布尔登居民Marian Comfort。去年夏天,康福特夫人注意到她的七叶树的叶子正在变成褐色,因此她与皇家园艺学会的植物病理学家取得了联系,后者又向环境,食品和农村事务部致敬。马上就要来了,因为七叶树采叶机Cameraria obridella的叶子被虫子侵染,这种蛾子已经毁灭了整个欧洲的该物种。如果要传播到整个不列颠诸岛,那么对七叶树玩家的后果就太可怕了,无法考虑。康福特夫人收到了负责林业的政府部长埃利奥特·莫利(Elliot Morley)的个人感谢信。



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