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Going beyond the limits: Genetic modification of livestock and dissolution of ancient boundaries


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The intensive pursuit of biological efficiency has dominated animal science over recent decades. This paradigm is driven largely by economic criteria for lower resource input, increased output of livestock products, faster turnover and reduced costs to the consumer. Science has broken many economic boundaries. But disturbing stability always exacts a price: hidden costs, health, environment, welfare, biodiversity, the rural poor and the carbon footprint. The scientific mission to enhance food production is now facing new horizons at the molecular level for radical change in the life processes of animals. This quest for the genetic modification of livestock is unchartered territory and will also have widespread negative consequences. Two types of boundaries are challenged: ancient Biological boundaries and ancient Man-Made boundaries. The key biological boundary is between species and is now violated by genetic modification; key Man-Made boundaries include recognition of moral autonomy, rule of law and the qualitative difference between humanity and other species. All these ancient boundaries are foundational to sustainable societies and have been tested over huge time spans. Dissolution of these boundaries needs more caution than currently being exercised. Why? Because the scientific models of the genome used for genetic modification are proving to be wrong and inadequate. Emerging genome research reveals that control of gene expression is far more complex than the models used so far. Food products from genetically modified livestock are now in preparation for the human food chain without adequate testing and regulation and against the expressed wishes of consumers. Can the species produced by millions of years of natural selection be redesigned safely with inadequate knowledge? Do scientists have to redesign the inner molecular universe simply because we have the tools? Are unsubstantiated short-term economic arguments sufficient to justify dissolution of ancient boundaries and stable genomes that have stood the test of time in sustaining life? There must be a deeper answer if only because we are no more likely than natural selection to achieve new adaptive stability without enormous cost. Breaching these biological boundaries goes beyond biology and economics by opening the door to transhumanism which already has a dark history. Genetic modification of animals presents issues of risk, accountability, authority, power, ownership, and morality, the nature of animals and the meaning and purpose of humanity all of which are explored. Scientists are called to recognize and act upon their social responsibilities.



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