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Concentrate supplementation responses of the pasture-fed dairy cow


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The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of increasing amounts of cereal-based concentrate on milk production. The study consisted of a series of three separate experiments in which cows were grazed in intensive rotation on timothy-meadowfescue pasture. In Experiment 1, 28 multiparous Holstein-Friesian cows received 0, 3, 6 and 9kg concentrate in a cross-over designed trial with a fixed daily herbage allowance of 21 kg DM/cow. The energy-corrected milk yield increased linearly 0.84kg/kgDM (P<0.001), up to the 9kg concentrate level. The milk fat (P<0.001) and urea (P<0.001) content decreased linearly (0.41 g/kg DM and 0.15mmol/kg DM, respectively). The milk protein content tended (P=0.08) to increase 0.l0g/kg DM with increasing supplementation. In Experiment 2, 17 primiparous cows and 28 multiparous cows were used in a randomized-block designed trial with 3, 6 and 9kg concentrate supplementation and a fixed 25kg DM herbage allowance. The energy corrected milk yield increased linearly (P<0.01) 0.67kg/kg DM, whereas the milk urea content decreased linearly (P< 0.001) 0.27mmol/kg DM. The milk protein content increased and the fat content decreased, but these differences were not significant. In Experiment 3, a cross-over design was usedto assess the response to concentrate supplementation of 24 multiparous cows (treatments: 6, 9 and 12kg; fixed herbage allowance 25kg DM) and 12 primiparous cows (treatments: 4, 7 and 10kg; herbage allowance > 25 kg DM). The energy-corrected milk yield of the multiparous cows varied quadratically (Pquad< 0.001; 30.0, 32.5 and 32.2kg for 6, 9 and 12kg supplementation, respectively). Supplementation linearly decreased the urea (P<0.001) 0.13mmol/kg DM and fat (P<0.001) 0.46g/kg DM contents. The milk fat content also varied quadratically, showing the lowest content with the 12 kg level (Pquad<0.05; 37.3, 37.3 and 34.9g/kg for 6, 9 and 12kg supplementation, respectively). The energy-corrected milk yield of the primiparous cows increased linearly (P<0.001)0.54kg/kg DM up to 10kg supplementation, whereas the milk urea (P<0.001) and fat contents decreased linearly (P<0.01) by 0.19mmol/kg DM and 0.61 g/kg DM, respectively. The results showed that the milk response remained linear up to the 9kg supplementation level, but the highest level of supplementation resulted in only a marginal increase in milk yield. There was no interaction between season and milk or milk protein yield, which indicates that it is possible to maintain stable grazing conditions duringthe main grazing season in Nordic latitudes. The results support to some extent the hypothesis that the marginal milk response to supplementation increases with increasing milk production.
机译:这项研究的目的是研究增加谷物基浓缩物对牛奶生产的影响。该研究由一系列三个独立的实验组成,其中在提摩太草甸羊茅草牧场上对母牛进行强力旋转放牧。在实验1中,在交叉设计的试验中,有28头荷斯坦-弗里斯兰产奶牛分别获得了0、3、6和9千克浓缩物,固定的每日牧草津贴为21千克DM /牛。经能量校正的牛奶产量线性增加0.84kg / kgDM(P <0.001),最高达到9kg浓缩水平。乳脂(P <0.001)和尿素(P <0.001)含量线性下降(分别为0.41 g / kg DM和0.15mmol / kg DM)。随着添加量的增加,牛奶中的蛋白质含量趋于(P = 0.08)增加0.1g / kg DM。在实验2中,在随机分组设计的试验中使用了17头初乳母牛和28头多头母牛,补充了3、6和9kg的精矿,并有固定的25kg DM牧草津贴。经能量校正的牛奶产量线性增加(P <0.01)0.67kg / kg DM,而牛奶尿素含量线性减少(P <0.001)0.27mmol / kg DM。牛奶蛋白质含量增加而脂肪含量减少,但这些差异并不显着。在实验3中,采用交叉设计来评估24只多头母牛(处理:6、9和12kg;固定牧草津贴为25kg DM)和12头初生母牛(处理:4、7和10kg;草本)对浓缩补充的响应重量> 25公斤DM)。经能量校正的多头母牛的牛奶产量呈二次方差(分别添加6、9和12kg,Pquad <0.001;分别为30.0、32.5和32.2kg)。补充剂线性降低尿素(P <0.001)0.13mmol / kg DM和脂肪(P <0.001)0.46g / kg DM含量。牛奶中的脂肪含量也呈二次变化,最低含量为12 kg(Pquad <0.05;补充6、9和12kg分别为37.3、37.3和34.9g / kg)。初乳母牛的能量校正后的牛奶产量线性增加(P <0.001)0.54kg / kg DM,直至添加10kg,而尿素(P <0.001)和脂肪含量线性减少(P <0.01)0.19mmol / kg kg DM和0.61 g / kg DM。结果表明,直到添加9kg的牛奶,牛奶的反应仍保持线性,但最高添加水平仅导致牛奶产量的少量增加。季节与牛奶或牛奶蛋白产量之间没有相互作用,这表明北欧纬度的主要放牧季节有可能维持稳定的放牧条件。结果在一定程度上支持了以下假设:随着牛奶产量的增加,牛奶对补充品的边际反应会增加。



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