首页> 外文期刊>Cell Calcium: The International Interdisciplinary Forum for Research on Calcium >Inhibition of mitochondrial calcium uptake rather than efflux impedes calcium release by inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive receptors.

Inhibition of mitochondrial calcium uptake rather than efflux impedes calcium release by inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive receptors.


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Mitochondria modulate cellular Ca2+ signals by accumulating the ion via a uniporter and releasing it via Na+- or H+-exchange. In smooth muscle, inhibition of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake inhibits Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) via inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive receptors (IP(3)R). At least two mechanisms may explain this effect. First, localised uptake of Ca2+ by mitochondria may prevent negative feedback by cytosolic Ca2+ on IP(3)R activity, or secondly localised provision of Ca2+ by mitochondrial efflux may maintain IP(3)R function or SR Ca2+ content. To distinguish between these possibilities the role of mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux on IP(3)R function was examined. IP(3) was liberated in freshly isolated single colonic smooth muscle cells and mitochondrial Na+-Ca2+ exchanger inhibited with CGP-37157 (10microM). Mitochondria accumulated Ca2+ during IP(3)-evoked [Ca2+](c) rises and released the ion back to the cytosol (within approximately 15s) when mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux was active. When mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux was inhibited by CGP-37157, an extensive and sustained loading of mitochondria with Ca2+ occurred after IP(3)-evoked Ca2+ release. IP(3)-evoked [Ca2+](c) rises were initially unaffected, then only slowly inhibited by CGP-37157. IP(3)R activity was required for inhibition to occur; incubation with CGP-37157 for the same duration without IP(3) release did not inhibit IP(3)R. CGP-37157 directly inhibited voltage-gated Ca2+ channel activity, however SR Ca2+ content was unaltered by the drug. Thus, the gradual decline of IP(3)R function that followed mitochondrial Na+-Ca2+ exchanger inhibition resulted from a gradual overload of mitochondria with Ca2+, leading to a reduced capacity for Ca2+ uptake. Localised uptake of Ca2+ by mitochondria, rather than mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux, appears critical for maintaining IP(3)R activity.
机译:线粒体通过单向离子累积离子并通过Na +-或H +交换释放离子,从而调节细胞的Ca2 +信号。在平滑肌中,抑制线粒体Ca2 +摄取会抑制Ca2 +通过肌醇-1,4,5-三磷酸酯敏感受体(IP(3)R)从肌质网(SR)释放。至少有两种机制可以解释这种效果。首先,线粒体对Ca2 +的局部摄取可以防止胞质Ca2 +对IP(3)R活性产生负反馈,或者其次,通过线粒体外排的Ca2 +局部提供可以维持IP(3)R功能或SR Ca2 +含量。为了区分这些可能性,检查了线粒体Ca2 +外排对IP(3)R功能的作用。 IP(3)释放在新鲜分离的单个结肠平滑肌细胞中,线粒体Na + -Ca2 +交换子被CGP-37157(10microM)抑制。线粒体Ca2 +外流活跃时,线粒体在IP(3)诱发的[Ca2 +](c)升高期间积累了Ca2 +,并将离子释放回胞质溶胶(约15s内)。当CGP-37157抑制线粒体Ca2 +外排时,IP(3)诱发的Ca2 +释放后,线粒体中Ca2 +的大量持续存在。 IP(3)引起的[Ca2 +](c)升高最初不受影响,然后仅由CGP-37157缓慢抑制。 IP(3)R活性是抑制作用所必需的;在没有IP(3)释放的情况下与CGP-37157孵育相同的时间不会抑制IP(3)R。 CGP-37157直接抑制电压门控的Ca2 +通道活性,但是该药物不会改变SR Ca2 +的含量。因此,线粒体Na + -Ca2 +交换子抑制后IP(3)R功能的逐渐降低是由于线粒体中Ca2 +的逐渐超载所致,导致Ca2 +吸收的能力降低。线粒体而不是线粒体Ca 2+的局部吸收Ca 2+似乎对维持IP(3)R活性至关重要。



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