首页> 外文期刊>Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Abhandlungen >Mineralogy, geochemistry and petrology of an amphibolite-facies aluminum-phosphate and borosilicate (APB)-bearing quartzite from the Mesoproterozoic Itremo Group (Central Madagascar)

Mineralogy, geochemistry and petrology of an amphibolite-facies aluminum-phosphate and borosilicate (APB)-bearing quartzite from the Mesoproterozoic Itremo Group (Central Madagascar)


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The present paper reports the whole rock and mineral chemistry, textural relations and the mineral reactions under greenschist to amphibolite facies conditions of the Aluminum-Phosphate and -Borosilicate (APB)-bearing Mesoproterozoic quartzite of the Itremo Group (central Madagascar) and discusses the genesis of the protolith as well as the metamorphic P-T-con-ditions. The Itremo Group consists from bottom to top of a micaschist formation (metapelite and metasiltstone) (approx =500m), a quartzite (approx = 1000m), and a stromatolitic dolomitic marble formation (> 1000m). In the quartzite cross bedding and ripple marks document a deposition in a shallow continental shelf environment. Lazulite, augelite, trolleite, svanbergite, goyazite, crandallite, berlinite, tourmaline, apatite, celestine, anhydrite, muscovite and dumortierite with the minor constituents zircon, monazite and xenotime in addition to quartz are the rock-forming minerals. Boron and Sr have been supplied to the protolith of the quartzite by submarine hydrothermal fluids or by rivers fed by B and Sr-rich thermal springs. Using textures, stability data for augelite, troll-leite, berlinite, lazulite, scorzalite, dumortierite, muscovite, kyanite and temperature data from the literature the P-T conditions of Panafrican metamorphism, which produced the prograde APB-parageneses can be approximated as 3.8 kbar and about 475 deg C Deposition and metamorphism of the protolith can be summarized as: i.) deposition of clay-bearing sand in a shallow continental shelf environment, ii.) chemical precipitation of phosphates and of phosphorus-rich iron hydroxides by oxidizing marine pore waters, iii.) reductive dissolution of the Fe-oxyhydroxides with crystallization of authigenic Al-phosphates in early diagene-sis, iv) metamorphic overprint and crystallization during the Panafrican tectonothermal event, v) hydration. reactions, element mobilisation and consequent retrograde resetting of prograde mineral equilibrium by postorogenic fluid circulation at the end of the Panafrican tectonothermal event.
机译:本文报道了伊斯泰尔莫集团(马达加斯加中部)含铝磷酸盐和硼硅酸盐(APB)的中元古代石英岩的绿岩对辉石岩相的整体岩石和矿物化学,结构关系和矿物反应,并讨论了成因。原生石以及变质的PT条件。伊特雷莫组由云母层(变石和变粉云岩)(约500m),石英岩(约1000m)和层间质白云岩大理石层(> 1000m)的底部到顶部组成。在石英岩中,交叉层理和波纹痕迹表明在浅大陆架环境中有沉积。形成岩石的矿物有Lazulite,Augelite,strobergite,svanbergite,goyazite,cradallite,berlinite,电气石,磷灰石,天青石,硬石膏,白云母和硅藻土,除石英外,还具有少量锆石,独居石和xenotime。硼和锶已通过海底热液或由富含B和Sr的温泉注入的河流供应到石英岩的原生岩中。利用质地,稳固性,巨晶莱特石,berlinite,拉苏莱特,方钴矿,硬蒙脱石,白云母,蓝晶石的稳定性数据以及文献中的温度数据,泛非变质作用的PT条件可产生约3.8 kbar的APB-亚基。约475℃的沉积和变质可总结为:i。)在浅大陆架环境中沉积粘土砂; ii。)通过氧化海洋孔隙水化学沉淀磷酸盐和富磷的氢氧化铁,iii。)在成岩作用早期,通过自生的铝磷酸盐的结晶还原性还原氢氧化铁,iv)Panafrican构造热事件中的变质叠印和结晶,v)水合。在Panafrican构造热事件结束时,通过造山后流体循环,反应,元素动员以及随之而来的逆行重置矿物平衡。



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