首页> 外文期刊>Lung. >Combined expression of p53, Bcl-2, and p21WAF-1 proteins in lung cancer and premalignant lesions: association with clinical characteristics.

Combined expression of p53, Bcl-2, and p21WAF-1 proteins in lung cancer and premalignant lesions: association with clinical characteristics.


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We examined p53, p21WAF-1, and Bcl-2 protein expression in malignant and nonmalignant bronchial specimens obtained during bronchoscopy from 60 lung cancer patients. Twenty-six (43.3%), 36 (60%), and 20 (33.3%) of the tumors were p53, p21WAF-1, and Bcl-2 positive, respectively. High-level p53 and Bcl-2 expression characterized advanced preneoplastic lesions, while hyperplasias, squamous metaplasias, and mild dysplasias exhibited low levels of expression. There was no difference between early and advanced preneoplastic lesions in the level of p21WAF-1, expression. A history of heavy smoking was associated with p21WAF-1, expression in preneoplastic lesions (p = 0.022) and tumors (p = 0.032). p53(-)/p21WAF-1(++)/bcl-2(-) was the only significant independent predictor of lower clinical stage (OR: 0.88, p = 0.038). In univariate analysis, survival of NSCLC patients was affected by disease stage (p <0.001) and tumor histology (p = 0.018). While single-protein expression was not associated with prognosis, the combined immunophenotype p53(-)/p21WAF-1(++)/bcl-2(-) predicted longer survival (p = 0.03). In multivariate analysis, only the TNM stage was found to be a prognostic factor for NSCLC. We conclude that p53 and Bcl-2 alterations may happen early in bronchial carcinogenesis and that absence of these alterations in combination with p21WAF-1, overexpression may be associated with a less aggressive tumor behavior.
机译:我们检查了60例肺癌患者在支气管镜检查过程中获得的恶性和非恶性支气管标本中的p53,p21WAF-1和Bcl-2蛋白表达。 26例(43.3%),36例(60%)和20例(33.3%)的肿瘤分别为p53,p21WAF-1和Bcl-2阳性。高水平的p53和Bcl-2表达表征晚期肿瘤前病变,而增生,鳞状化生和轻度不典型增生则表达水平低。早期和晚期肿瘤前病变在p21WAF-1表达水平上没有差异。大量吸烟史与p21WAF-1,肿瘤前病变(p = 0.022)和肿瘤(p = 0.032)中的表达有关。 p53(-)/ p21WAF-1(++)/ bcl-2(-)是较低临床分期的唯一重要独立预测因子(OR:0.88,p = 0.038)。在单变量分析中,NSCLC患者的生存受到疾病阶段(p <0.001)和肿瘤组织学(p = 0.018)的影响。虽然单一蛋白的表达与预后无关,但组合的免疫表型p53(-)/ p21WAF-1(++)/ bcl-2(-)预测更长的生存期(p = 0.03)。在多变量分析中,仅TNM分期被发现是NSCLC的预后因素。我们得出的结论是,p53和Bcl-2改变可能在支气管癌发生的早期发生,并且如果没有这些改变与p21WAF-1结合,则过表达可能与侵袭性较小的肿瘤行为有关。



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