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Decorporation of Pu/Am Actinides by Chelation Therapy: New Arguments in Favor of an Intracellular Component of DTPA Action

机译:螯合疗法使Pu / Am Act系元素脱附:赞成DTPA作用的细胞内成分的新论点

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Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) is currently still the only known chelating drug that can be used for decorporation of internalized plutonium (Pu) and americium (Am). It is generally assumed that chelation occurs only in biological fluids, thus preventing Pu/Am deposition in target tissues. We postulate that actinide chelation may also occur inside cells by a mechanism called "intracellular chelation''. To test this hypothesis, rats were given DTPA either prior to (termed "prophylactic'' treatment) or belatedly after (termed "delayed'' treatment) Pu/Am injection. DTPA decorporation efficacy was systematically tested for both plutonium and americium. Both prophylactic and delayed DTPA elicited marked decreases in liver Pu/Am. These results can be explained by chelation within subcellular compartments where DTPA efficacy increased as a function of a favorable intracellular DTPA-to-actinide molar ratio. The efficacy of intracellular chelation of liver actinides decreased with the delay of treatment. This is probably explained by progressive actinide binding to the high-affinity ligand ferritin followed by migration to lysosomes. Intracellular chelation was reduced as the gap between prophylactic treatment and contamination increased. This may be explained by the reduction of the intracellular DTPA pool, which declined exponentially with time. Skeletal Pu/Am was also reduced by prophylactic and delayed DTPA treatments. This decorporation of bone actinides may mainly result from extracellular chelation on bone surfaces. This work provides converging evidence for the involvement of an intracellular component of DTPA action in the decorporation process. These results may help to improve the interpretation of biological data from DTPA-treated contamination cases and could be useful to model DTPA therapy regimens. (C) 2016 by Radiation Research Society
机译:目前,二亚乙基三胺五乙酸(DTPA)仍然是唯一可用于内部化p(Pu)和a(Am)脱附的螯合药物。通常认为螯合仅在生物流体中发生,从而防止了Pu / Am在靶组织中的沉积。我们假设act系元素螯合也可能通过一种称为“细胞内螯合”的机制在细胞内发生,为检验这一假设,在(称为“预防”治疗)之前或之后(称为“延迟”治疗)将大鼠给予DTPA。 )Pu / Am注射。系统地测试了和a的DTPA分解效力,预防性和延迟性DTPA引起肝脏Pu / Am明显降低。这些结果可以通过亚细胞区室中的螯合来解释,其中DTPA效力随有利的细胞内DTPA与-系元素的摩尔比;肝act系元素的细胞内螯合效果随治疗时间的延长而降低;这可能是由于act系元素与高亲和力配体铁蛋白的结合,随后迁移至溶酶体而引起的。随着预防性治疗和污染之间的差距的增加而减少。细胞内DTPA池,该池随时间呈指数下降。预防性和延迟性DTPA处理也可降低骨骼肌Pu / Am。骨act系元素的这种分解可能主要是由于骨表面上的细胞外螯合所致。这项工作为DTPA作用的细胞内成分参与解离过程提供了越来越多的证据。这些结果可能有助于改善对DTPA处理的污染病例的生物学数据的解释,并可能对DTPA治疗方案建模有用。 (C)放射研究学会2016年



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