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Large, Low-Grade Sulphide Projects


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Large, low-grade polymetallic magmatic sulphide deposits represent a largely untapped source of nickel, copper, platinum group metals,cobalt and gold. For the most part, these deposits have remained undeveloped due to their low-grade, disseminated and often fine-grainedmineralisation, which impacts negatively on processing and mining costs. Development of these resources will rely on their significant byproductvalues, and maximising mining and milling efficiency through increasing economies of scale.Similar to the large, high-grade polymetallic nickel camps, such as Sudbury and Norilsk’s Polar (Talnakh), they generally occur within large,layered mafic to ultramafic intrusions. Many of these deposits have been recognised for decades, but only in recent times have they beenmined or seriously assessed for development. AME has taken a close look at a number projects with grades around 0.3% nickel or lower, withpotential for development in the medium to longer term, as well as some operating low-grade sulphide operations to assess the likelihood forfuture supply.
机译:大型,低品位的多金属岩浆硫化物矿床是镍,铜,铂族金属,钴和金的主要未开发来源。在大多数情况下,这些矿床由于品位低,散布且通常具有细粒度的矿化作用而尚未开发,这对加工和采矿成本产生了负面影响。这些资源的开发将依赖于其重要的副产品价值,并通过不断扩大的规模经济来最大程度地提高采矿和制粉效率。类似于大型,高档的多金属镍矿,例如萨德伯里和诺里尔斯克的Polar(Talnakh),它们通常发生在大型矿山中。 ,从黑手党到超黑手党的入侵。这些矿床中有许多已被确认了几十年,但直到最近才对它们进行了开采或认真评估以进行开发。 AME密切关注了镍含量在0.3%或更低,有中长期发展潜力的一些项目,以及一些正在运营的低品位硫化物运营,以评估未来供应的可能性。



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