首页> 外文期刊>NGW's Gas Market Reconnaissance >The California Public Utilities Commission has ordered Pacific Gas & Electric to begin a check of all its 5,700 miles of natural gas pipelines to look for any potential leaks or weaknesses in the pipe

The California Public Utilities Commission has ordered Pacific Gas & Electric to begin a check of all its 5,700 miles of natural gas pipelines to look for any potential leaks or weaknesses in the pipe


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The CPUC order comes as the investigation into last week's deadly explosion of a natural gas pipeline in San Bruno, California, that killed least four people and destroyed or heavily damaged more than 50 homes. CPUC's order also directs the utility to focus its inspections on gas lines in heavily populated areas and detail how much PG&E has spent since 2005 on replacing pipelines because of safety concerns. The National Transportation Safety Board is conducting the federal investigation into the accident and has sent the section of the pipeline that ruptured to a federal center for testing.
机译:CPUC命令发布之时,是对上周在加利福尼亚州圣布鲁诺市发生的一条天然气管道致命爆炸事件的调查,该爆炸事件导致至少四人丧生,并摧毁或严重破坏了50多个房屋。 CPUC的命令还指示公用事业公司将其检查重点放在人口稠密地区的天然气管线上,并详细说明自2005年以来PG&E为安全起见在更换管线上花费了多少。国家运输安全委员会正在对事故进行联邦调查,并将破裂的那部分管道送至联邦中心进行测试。



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