首页> 外文期刊>Life sciences >Iron depletion prevents adenine nucleotide decomposition and an increase of xanthine oxidase activity in the liver of the Long Evans Cinnamon (LEC) rat, an animal model of Wilson's disease.

Iron depletion prevents adenine nucleotide decomposition and an increase of xanthine oxidase activity in the liver of the Long Evans Cinnamon (LEC) rat, an animal model of Wilson's disease.

机译:铁的消耗防止了威尔逊氏病动物模型Long Evans Cinnamon(LEC)大鼠肝脏中的腺嘌呤核苷酸分解和黄嘌呤氧化酶活性的增加。

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The Long Evans Cinnamon (LEC) rat, which accumulates excess Cu in the liver as in patients with Wilson's disease, is a mutant strain displaying spontaneous hepatitis. It was reported that Fe, like Cu, increases in the liver and that the severity of hepatitis is modified by Fe in the diet. In this experiment, oxidative stress increased by Fe was investigated before the onset of hepatitis. To examine the effect of Fe on the progress into hepatitis, LEC female rats were fed an Fe-regular (Fe 214 microg/g; Fe(+) group) or an Fe-restricted (Fe 14 microg/g; Fe(-) group) diet from 53 days of age for 35 days. Fischer rats were also fed as control animals. Adenine nucleotide decomposition was determined as an index of oxidative stress based on xanthine oxidase activity. The size of the hepatic pool of adenine nucleotides (ATP+ADP+AMP) was significantly smaller in LEC rats than Fischer rats. The energy charge (ATP+0.5ADP)/(ATP+ADP+AMP) was smaller in Fe(+) groups than in Fe(-) groups. In the LEC rat liver, the Fe concentration in the Fe(+) group was 160% of that in Fe(-) group and the correlation coefficient between the hepatic Fe concentration and the energy charge was significant. In this strain, an increase of xanthine oxidase activity resulted in an increase of xanthine, an oxidized metabolite of hypoxanthine in the liver. The results suggest the involvement of the Fe in the progression into hepatitis in the LEC rat, even if the dietary Fe concentration is similar to that of commercial diet.
机译:Long Evans Cinnamon(LEC)大鼠是一种突变型菌株,具有自发性肝炎,该大鼠在威尔逊氏病患者中会在肝脏中积累过量的Cu。据报道,铁与铜一样,会在肝脏中增加,饮食中的铁会改变肝炎的严重程度。在该实验中,研究了在肝炎发作之前由铁增加的氧化应激。为了检查Fe对肝炎进展的影响,对LEC雌性大鼠喂食了常规Fe(Fe 214 microg / g; Fe(+)组)或Fe受限(Fe 14 microg / g; Fe(-))组)从53天开始的35天的饮食。还将Fischer大鼠作为对照动物喂养。基于黄嘌呤氧化酶活性,将腺嘌呤核苷酸分解确定为氧化应激的指标。 LEC大鼠的肝腺嘌呤核苷酸库(ATP + ADP + AMP)的大小明显小于Fischer大鼠。 Fe(+)组的能量电荷(ATP + 0.5ADP)/(ATP + ADP + AMP)小于Fe(-)组。在LEC大鼠肝脏中,Fe(+)组的Fe浓度是Fe(-)组的160%,并且肝Fe浓度与能量电荷之间的相关系数显着。在该菌株中,黄嘌呤氧化酶活性的增加导致黄嘌呤的增加,黄嘌呤是肝脏中次黄嘌呤的氧化代谢产物。结果表明,即使饮食中的Fe浓度与商业饮食中的Fe相似,Fe也参与了LEC大鼠肝炎的发展。



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