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Dopaminergic ventral tegmental neurons modulated by methylphenidate


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Treatment of psychostimulants leads to the development of behavioral sensitization, an augmented behavioral response to drug re-administration. The induction of behavioral sensitization to psychostimulants such as amphetamine and cocaine occurs at the ventral tegmental area's dopaminergic neurons (VTA-DA). Currently, there is limited experimental data about the physiological properties of methylphenidate (MPD) on VTA-DA neurons. Behavioral and electrophysiological experiments using male rats were performed before and after MPD treatment. The behavioral experiment included dose-response (0.6, 2.5, and 10.0 mg/kg MPD) study to select the most effective dose for the electrophysiological study. Methylphenidate increased locomotion in typical dose response characteristics. Based on this experiment, the 10.0 mg/kg MPD was used in two types of electrophysiological recordings: 1) intracellular recording of neuronal activity performed on horizontal 275-300 mum brain slices and 2) whole-cell patch clamping before and after electrical stimulation to study post-synaptic currents on neurophysiologically identified VTA-DA neurons. Methylphenidate suppressed the. neuronal activity of these neurons for 210 +/- 30 sec. Stimulation of the prefrontal cortex afferent fibers to these VTA-DA neurons in the presence of TTX, saclofen, and picrotoxin led to the conclusion that this input is mediated via NMDA and kainate/AMPA receptors and may participate to induce behavioral sensitization to psychostimulants. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. [References: 42]
机译:精神兴奋剂的治疗导致行为敏化的发展,这是对药物重新给药的增强的行为反应。对精神兴奋剂(如苯丙胺和可卡因)的行为敏感的诱导发生在腹侧被盖区的多巴胺能神经元(VTA-DA)上。目前,关于VTA-DA神经元的哌醋甲酯(MPD)生理特性的实验数据有限。在MPD治疗之前和之后,使用雄性大鼠进行行为和电生理实验。行为实验包括剂量反应(0.6、2.5和10.0 mg / kg MPD)研究,以选择最有效的电生理学剂量。哌醋甲酯增加了典型剂量反应特征中的运动。根据此实验,将10.0 mg / kg MPD用于两种类型的电生理记录:1)在水平275-300毫米脑切片上进行神经元活动的细胞内记录,以及2)在电刺激之前和之后对全细胞膜片进行钳制研究神经生理学鉴定的VTA-DA神经元的突触后电流。哌醋甲酯抑制了。这些神经元的神经元活动持续210 +/- 30秒。在存在TTX,saclofen和pictotoxin的情况下,前额叶皮层传入纤维对这些VTA-DA神经元的刺激得出结论,该输入是通过NMDA和海藻酸盐/ AMPA受体介导的,并且可能参与诱导对精神兴奋剂的行为敏感性。 (C)2003 Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。 [参考:42]



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