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Sex-steroidal regulation of aromatase mRNA expression in adult male rat brain: a quantitative non-radioactive in situ hybridization study.


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Neuronal aromatase, the enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of androgens to estrogens, is involved in brain sexual differentiation, the regulation of reproductive behavior, and gonadotropin secretion. We have previously reported that aromatase P450 (AromP450) protein expression is enhanced by both androgens and estrogens in the principal nucleus of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (prBST) and posterodorsal part of the medial amygdaloid nucleus (pdMAm) of the adult rat but is not altered in the central amygdaloid nucleus (CeAm) even after sex-steroid withdrawal or supplementation. Here, we have evaluated, via in situ hybridization with digoxigenin-labeled cRNA probes, the sex-steroidal regulation of brain AromP450 mRNA in the prBST, pdMAm, and CeAm of orchidectomized and adrenalectomized adult male rats treated with sesame oil, testosterone (1 mg/rat/day), dihydrotestosterone (1 mg/rat/day), or 17beta-estradiol (2 mug/rat/day) for 6 days. AromP450-mRNA expression in the prBST and pdMAm was markedly reduced in orchidectomized/adrenalectomized rats treated with sesame oil but strongly enhanced by testosterone or dihydrotestosterone and significantly reinstated by 17beta-estradiol. These results are essentially consistent with those of AromP450 protein expression and thus indicate that enhanced AromP450-protein expression in the prBST and pdMAm reflects transcriptional upregulation and/or post-transcriptional stabilization of its mRNA by sex steroids. In the CeAm, despite moderate AromP450-protein expression, the mRNA has never been detected with or without sex-steroidal manipulations, indicating that the putative sex-steroid-insensitive AromP450 mRNA in the CeAm may be distinct from that in the prBST and pdMAm or, if it occurs at all, expressed at much lower levels.
机译:神经元芳香化酶是一种催化雄激素转化为雌激素的酶,参与大脑的性别分化,生殖行为的调节和促性腺激素的分泌。我们以前曾报道过,成年大鼠纹状体终末床核(prBST)的主核和杏仁核内侧核的后气味部分的雄激素和雌激素都增强了芳香化酶P450(AromP450)蛋白的表达,即使戒断或补充性类固醇后,杏仁中央杏仁核(CeAm)的蛋白也没有改变。在这里,我们通过与地高辛配基标记的cRNA探针原位杂交,评估了用芝麻油,睾丸激素(1 mg /大鼠/天),二氢睾丸激素(1 mg /大鼠/天)或17beta-雌二醇(2杯/大鼠/天)持续6天。在用芝麻油治疗的经兰花切除/肾上腺切除的大鼠中,prBST和pdMAm中的AromP450-mRNA表达显着降低,但被睾丸激素或二氢睾丸酮强烈增强,并被17β-雌二醇显着恢复。这些结果与AromP450蛋白的表达基本一致,因此表明在prBST和pdMAm中增强的AromP450蛋白表达反映了性类固醇对其mRNA的转录上调和/或转录后稳定。在CeAm中,尽管AromP450蛋白表达适中,但无论是否进行过性甾体操纵,都从未检测到该mRNA,这表明CeAm中假定的对性固醇不敏感的AromP450 mRNA可能与prBST和pdMAm中的不同。 ,如果发生的话,则以较低的水平表示。



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