首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Sensor Networks >Outlier node localisation in sensor networks based on double layer modified unscented Kalman filter

Outlier node localisation in sensor networks based on double layer modified unscented Kalman filter


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Traditional sensor network abnormal node localisation has some problems, such as low positioning accuracy, high positioning time cost and so on. The range of motion of abnormal nodes is determined by controlling the distance of abnormal nodes; According to the fading degree of abnormal nodes, the unstructured feature extraction model is constructed, and the minimum mean square error of abnormal nodes is calculated. According to the median change of neighbour nodes, the movement situation of abnormal nodes is analysed. With the help of the upper unscented Kalman to determine the nonlinear state space of abnormal nodes, the abnormal nodes in sensor networks are located, and then the positioning error is corrected by the lower unscented Kalman to realise the abnormal node location. The results show that the highest accuracy of the proposed method is about 96, and the shortest positioning time is about 1.1 s.
机译:传统的传感器网络节点定位异常存在定位精度低、定位时间成本高等问题。通过控制异常节点的距离来确定异常节点的运动范围;根据异常节点的衰落程度,构建非结构化特征提取模型,计算异常节点的最小均方误差。根据相邻节点的中位数变化,分析异常节点的运动情况。借助上部无嗅卡尔曼确定异常节点的非线性状态空间,定位传感器网络中的异常节点,然后由下部无嗅卡尔曼修正定位误差,实现异常节点定位。结果表明:所提方法的最高准确率约为96%,最短定位时间约为1.1 s。



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