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CWFC developing virtual tours to reach greater potential audience


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The Canadian Wood Fibre Centre (CWFC) knows from experience that field tours are an effective way to share information about its research program with the public because for most people, seeing is believing.However, the timing of field tours is not always convenient, and they can be costly to attend and susceptible to poor weather conditions. Virtual field tours delivered over the Internet are something participants can do on their own time, control with the click of a computer mouse—while costing them no money to attend. Participants can also conveniently take part from the comfort of their home or office."The question for us is how to maintain program visibility and continue to provide participants with that first person experience of being in the field when the resources available to both co-ordinate and attend field tours are limited," says Brent Joss, Fibre Bio-Geoinformatics Analyst with CWFC.
机译:加拿大木纤维中心(CWFC)从经验中知道,实地考察是与公众共享有关其研究计划信息的有效途径,因为对于大多数人来说,这样做是有道理的,但是实地考察的时间并不总是很方便,而且他们参加的费用可能很高,并且容易受到恶劣天气的影响。通过Internet进行的虚拟实地考察是参与者可以自己做的事情,只需单击计算机鼠标即可进行控制,而无需花钱参加。参与者还可以方便地在舒适的家中或办公室中参加。“对我们来说,问题是如何保持计划的可见性,并在双方可用的资源相互协调时,继续为参与者提供在现场的第一人称体验。并且参加实地考察活动是有限的。” CWFC的纤维生物地球信息学分析师Brent Joss说。



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