首页> 外文期刊>Northern Journal of Applied Forestry >Effects of Stump Diameter on Sprout Number and Size for Three Oak Species in a Pennsylvania Clearcut

Effects of Stump Diameter on Sprout Number and Size for Three Oak Species in a Pennsylvania Clearcut


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In a 2004 clearcut of a former even-aged oak (Quarcus) forest, we examined the number and maximum height of stump sprouts for three oak species in east-central Pennsylvania. The greatest number of sprouts was produced by black oak (Quercus velutina) and chestnut oak (Q. montana) as compared with white oak (Q. alba). Logistic regression showed that diameter of stumps was a significant factor in determining the probability of sprouting for black oak, and an inverse relationship between stump diameter and the number of sprouts per stump was found for all three species. The number of white oak sprouts peaked in the 10-20-cm diameter (loss and declined on larger stumps. The number of block oak sprouts peaked in the 20-50-cm classes, and trees in the 70-80-cm class produced the fewest sprouts. The mean annual growth of the tallest sprout on each stump was greater for block oak and chestnut oak than white oak.
机译:在2004年对以前的均龄橡树(Quarcus)森林进行的砍伐中,我们研究了宾夕法尼亚州中东部三种橡树种的树桩芽的数量和最大高度。与白橡木(Q. alba)相比,黑橡木(Quercus velutina)和板栗(Q. montana)产的豆芽最多。 Logistic回归分析表明,树桩直径是决定黑橡木发芽概率的重要因素,并且在这三种物种中,树桩直径与每个树桩的发芽数之间呈反比关系。白橡树芽的数量在10-20厘米直径处达到峰值(损失并在较大的树桩上下降。块状橡树芽的数量在20-50厘米类别中达到峰值,而树种在70-80厘米类别中)块状橡树和板栗橡树上每个树桩上最高的新芽的年平均生长量要大于白橡树。



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