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Should we pay, and to whom, for biodiversity enhancement in private forests? An empirical study of attitudes towards payments for forest ecosystem services in Poland


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This paper investigates the possibility of forest policy changes in Poland. The main objective is to investigate whether, and to whom, the society would be willing to pay for providing biodiversity enhancement in private forests. The empirical evidence is derived from a stated preference survey conducted on the national level and analyzed using a multinomial logit model (MNL). Our findings show a rather strong potential for the implementation of payments for ecosystem services (PES) in private forests, even though historical and institutional conditions are not favorable. The results also indicate a significant role of environmental attitudes in viewing the national and local governments as those responsible for financing the implementation of changes in private forests. They allow to provide recommendations for planning authorities and decision-makers not only in Poland but also in the other Central and Eastern European countries, where payments for ecosystem services have no long tradition. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:本文调查了波兰森林政策变更的可能性。主要目的是调查社会是否愿意以及向谁支付费用以提高私有林的生物多样性。经验证据来自在国家层面进行的既定偏好调查,并使用多项对数模型(MNL)进行了分析。我们的发现表明,即使历史和体制条件不利,在私有森林中实施生态系统服务付款的潜力也很大。研究结果还表明,环境态度在将国家和地方政府视为负责为实施私有林变更提供资金的政府方面具有重要作用。它们不仅可以为波兰的规划机构和决策者提供建议,而且还可以为其他在中欧和东欧国家/地区的规划者和决策者提供建议。 (C)2015 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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