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Forestry paradigms and policy change: The evolution of forestry policy in Britain in relation to the ecosystem approach


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Forestry policy and practice in Britain has been subject to a series of paradigm changes since the establishment of the Forestry Commission in 1919. Drawing on a documentary analysis of legislation, published policy statements, commentaries and scholarly critiques, this paper argues that British forestry policy has undergone three significant paradigm shifts since it was first mooted in the late 19th century. With origins in a largely ad hoc and laissez-faire attitude towards forest expansion and management which dominated up to World War I, a productivist stance based on intensive mono-culture plantations in order to reduce import dependence then held sway until the early 1970s. This has since been overlain with ideas about multi-functionality and sustainability that continue to be important today. The new ecosystem approach (and its specific emphasis on the provision of ecosystem services) can arguably be viewed as an emerging new forestry paradigm era in which ideas of resilience and sustainability are to the fore. It is suggested in conclusion that while the policy and practice of forestry in Britain continues to mirror broader shifts in environmental governance within the country, these in turn are increasingly influenced by international debates and obligations. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
机译:自1919年林业委员会成立以来,英国的林业政策和实践经历了一系列的范式变化。基于对立法的文献分析,发表的政策声明,评论和学术评论,本文认为英国的林业政策具有自从19世纪末首次提出以来,经历了三个重大的范式转变。在第一次世界大战之前,对森林扩张和管理的态度主要是临时的和自由放任,这种生产主义的立场是建立在集约化单一种植园的基础上,以减少对进口的依赖,直到1970年代初一直风行。从那以后,关于多功能性和可持续性的思想一直很重要。可以将新的生态系统方法(及其对提供生态系统服务的特别强调)视为新兴的林业范式时代,在此时代,抵御力和可持续性理念应运而生。结论是,尽管英国的林业政策和实践继续反映出英国国内环境治理的广泛变化,但反过来,这些变化也越来越受到国际辩论和义务的影响。 (C)2015作者。由Elsevier Ltd.发布



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