首页> 外文期刊>NJAS Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences >Agri-environmental assessment of extractable soil phosphorus at the regional scale

Agri-environmental assessment of extractable soil phosphorus at the regional scale


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Agri-environmental assessments at the regional scale are restricted by the amount and quality of input data. Such data may be available in public databases. In this study we estimated the extractable soil-P (ESP) in the Sud Milano Agricultural Park in northern Italy. Information about agricultural activities was integrated with ESP values across the area, using a large database of measured soil properties and crop management data collected from individual farms. Four interpolation methods were tested: two forms of ordinary kriging, kriging with external drift and a hybrid form (section-specific mosaic kriging). After splitting the dataset into three sub-sets, ESP was assessed at unsampled farms. High ESP levels were found in maize fields and on animal farms due to large amounts of P fertilizers applied in maize, particularly on animal farms. Using a reference threshold of 20 mg P per kg soil, most of the soils in the area were classified as being rich in ESP. As a result, it was concluded that P fertilization could be suspended in many cases for several years without crop yield decrease. Mosaic kriging showed a lower standard deviation of the prediction error and less smoothing and thus provided a better representation of the actual spatial variation.
机译:区域规模的农业环境评估受到输入数据的数量和质量的限制。这样的数据可以在公共数据库中获得。在这项研究中,我们估计了意大利北部Sud Milano农业公园中的可萃取土壤P(ESP)。有关农业活动的信息与整个地区的ESP值结合在一起,使用了一个庞大的测量土壤特性数据库和从各个农场收集的作物管理数据。测试了四种插值方法:两种形式的普通克里金法,带有外部漂移的克里金法和一种混合形式(针对特定部分的镶嵌克里金法)。将数据集分为三个子集后,在未抽样的农场评估了ESP。在玉米田和动物农场中发现高ESP水平,这是因为在玉米中,尤其是在动物农场中大量施用了磷肥。使用每公斤土壤20 mg P的参考阈值,该地区的大多数土壤被归类为富含ESP。结果得出结论,在许多情况下,在不降低作物产量的情况下,可以在许多情况下暂停施磷。镶嵌克里金法显示出较低的预测误差标准偏差和较少的平滑度,因此可以更好地表示实际空间变化。



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