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Italian Deprivation Index and Dental Caries in 12-Year-Old Children: A Multilevel Bayesian Analysis


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Evidence from the literature has shown that people with a lower socioeconomic status enjoy less good health than people with a higher socioeconomic status. The Italian deprivation index (DI) was used with the aim to evaluate the association between the DMFT index and risk factors for dental caries, including city population and DI. The study included 4,305 12-year-old children living in 38 cities classified by demographic size as small, midsize and large. Zero-inflated negative binomial multilevel regression models were used to assess risk factors for DMFT and to address excess of zero DMFT and overdispersion through a Bayesian approach. The difference in the average level of DMFT among children living in cities with different DI quintile was not statistically significant (p = 0.578). The DI and ln(population), included as city-level fixed effects in the two-level variance components model, were not statistically significant. Consuming sweet drinks on average increased the mean DMFT of a susceptible child, while having a highly educated mother reduced it. Unobserved heterogeneity among cities was detected for the probability to be non-susceptible to caries (city-level variance = 0.26 with 95% credibility interval 0.09-0.57), while no territorial effect was found for the mean DMFT of the susceptible children. Our results suggest that the DI and city population did not play a role in explaining between-city variability. Interventions against social deprivation can be influential on the perception of oral health in Italian 12-year-old children to the extent that they can also affect individual level factors. (C) 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel
机译:文献证据表明,社会经济地位较低的人的健康状况要比社会经济地位较高的人好。使用意大利贫困指数(DI)来评估DMFT指数与龋齿危险因素(包括城市人口和DI)之间的关联。该研究包括生活在38个城市中的4,305名12岁儿童,按人口规模将其分类为小,中和大。零膨胀负二项式多级回归模型用于评估DMFT的危险因素,并通过贝叶斯方法解决DMFT零和过度分散的问题。生活在不同DI五分位数城市中的儿童中,DMFT的平均水平差异无统计学意义(p = 0.578)。在两级方差成分模型中,作为城市级固定效应包括的DI和ln(人口)在统计上不显着。平均食用甜饮料会增加易感儿童的平均DMFT,而受过良好教育的母亲会降低该值。检测到城市之间未观察到的异质性对龋齿不敏感的可能性(城市水平方差= 0.26,可信区间95%为0.09-0.57),而对易感儿童的平均DMFT没有发现领土影响。我们的结果表明,DI和城市人口在解释城市之间的可变性方面没有作用。对社会剥夺的干预措施可能会影响意大利12岁儿童的口腔健康状况,以至于它们也可能影响个人水平因素。 (C)2014 S.Karger AG,巴塞尔



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