首页> 外文期刊>Caries research >Fluoride concentrations of unstimulated whole and labial gland saliva in young adults after fluoride intake with milk.

Fluoride concentrations of unstimulated whole and labial gland saliva in young adults after fluoride intake with milk.


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Following a fluoride depletion period 6 subjects repeatedly rinsed with 30-ml volumes of milk with or without added fluoride (5 ppm). Rinsing time was timed according to the measurements on how long it took to drink 200 or 500 ml milk. Rinsing with fluoridated milk for a total interval of 20 and 60 s, respectively, did not influence significantly the fluoride concentration of unstimulated centrifuged whole saliva 45 min later. Neither the urinary fluoride concentration nor the fluoride excretion were significantly affected by rinsing with fluoridated milk during the first hour. However, intake of 1 or 2.5 mg of fluoride with 200 and 500 ml milk, respectively, resulted in significant elevations in whole saliva fluoride levels 45 min later. In addition, the fluoride excretions into urine produced during 60 min after the fluoride intakes were significantly elevated and those reflected the ingested dose of fluoride. The intake of either 1 or 2.5mg fluoride with milk did not significantly influence the fluoride level of unstimulated labial gland saliva collected simultaneously with whole saliva.
机译:在氟化物耗竭期结束后,有6名受试者用30毫升体积的牛奶(含或不含氟化物(5 ppm))反复漂洗。根据饮用200或500毫升牛奶所花费的时间来确定冲洗时间。总时间间隔分别为20 s和60 s的氟化牛奶清洗,对45分钟后未刺激的离心全唾液中的氟化物浓度没有显着影响。在头一个小时内,用氟化乳冲洗不会显着影响尿中氟化物的浓度和氟化物的排泄。但是,分别摄入200毫升和500毫升牛奶中的1或2.5毫克氟化物会导致45分钟后整个唾液中氟化物的水平显着升高。此外,在摄入氟化物后60分钟内,尿液中的氟化物排泄显着增加,并且反映了摄入的氟化物剂量。牛奶摄入1或2.5mg氟化物不会显着影响未刺激的唇腺唾液与全唾液同时收集的氟化物水平。



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