首页> 外文期刊>Laser and Particle Beams >Skin depth plasma front interaction mechanism with prepulse suppression to avoid relativistic self-focusing for high-gain laser fusion

Skin depth plasma front interaction mechanism with prepulse suppression to avoid relativistic self-focusing for high-gain laser fusion


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Measurements of the ion emission from targets irradiated with neodymium glass and iodine lasers were analyzed and a very significant anomaly observed. The fastest ions with high charge number Z, which usually are of megaelectron volt energy following the relativistic self-focusing and nonlinear-force acceleration theory, were reduced to less than 50 times lower energies when 1.2 ps laser pulses of about 1 J were incident. We clarify this discrepancy by the model of skin depth plasma front interaction in contrast to the relativistic self-focusing with filament generation. This was indicated also from the unique fact that the ion number was independent of the laser intensity. The skin layer theory prescribes prepulse control and lower (near relativistic threshold) laser intensities for nonlinear-force-driven plasma blocks for high-gain ignition similar to light ion beam fusion.
机译:分析了用钕玻璃和碘激光辐照过的目标的离子发射测量结果,并观察到非常明显的异常现象。遵循相对论自聚焦和非线性力加速理论,具有高电荷数Z的最快离子通常具有兆电子伏特能量,当入射约1 J的1.2 ps激光脉冲时,其离子能量降低至低于较低能量的50倍。我们通过与皮肤丝产生的相对论性自聚焦相反,通过皮肤深度等离子体前部相互作用模型来澄清这种差异。离子数与激光强度无关的独特事实也表明了这一点。表皮层理论规定了用于非线性力驱动等离子体块的预脉冲控制和较低(接近相对论阈值)激光强度,以实现类似于光离子束聚变的高增益点火。



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