首页> 外文期刊>Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B. Biological Sciences >The impact of control strategies and behavioural changes on the elimination of Ebola from Lofa County, Liberia

The impact of control strategies and behavioural changes on the elimination of Ebola from Lofa County, Liberia


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The Ebola epidemic in West Africa was stopped by an enormous concerted effort of local communities and national and international organizations. It is not clear, however, how much the public health response and behavioural changes in affected communities, respectively, contributed to ending the outbreak. Here, we analyse the epidemic in Lofa County, Liberia, lasting from March to November 2014, by reporting a comprehensive time line of events and estimating the time-varying transmission intensity using a mathematical model of Ebola transmission. Model fits to the epidemic show an alternation of peaks and troughs in transmission, consistent with highly heterogeneous spread. This is combined with an overall decline in the reproduction number of Ebola transmission from early August, coinciding with an expansion of the local Ebola treatment centre. We estimate that healthcare seeking approximately doubled over the course of the outbreak, and that isolation of those seeking healthcare reduced their reproduction number by 62(mean estimate, 95 credible interval (CI) 59-66). Both expansion of bed availability and improved healthcare seeking contributed to ending the epidemic, highlighting the importance of community engagement alongside clinical intervention.
机译:西非的埃博拉疫情在当地社区以及国家和国际组织的巨大协调努力下得以遏制。然而,目前尚不清楚受影响社区的公共卫生应对措施和行为改变对结束疫情的贡献有多大。本文分析了2014年3月至11月利比里亚洛法县的疫情,报告了事件的综合时间线,并使用埃博拉传播的数学模型估计了随时间变化的传播强度。与疫情拟合的模型显示,传播的高峰和低谷交替出现,这与高度异质的传播相一致。与此同时,自8月初以来,埃博拉传播的繁殖数量总体下降,同时当地埃博拉治疗中心的扩建也随之扩大。我们估计,在疫情爆发期间,寻求医疗保健的人数大约翻了一番,而那些寻求医疗保健的人的隔离使他们的繁殖数量减少了 62%(平均估计,95% 可信区间 (CI) 59-66)。床位供应的扩大和医疗保健就诊的改善都有助于结束这一流行病,凸显了社区参与和临床干预的重要性。



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