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Contribution of forensic autopsy to scene reconstruction in mass fire casualties: A case of alleged arson on a floor consisting of small compartments in a building


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A fire is an important cause of mass disasters, involving various forensic issues. Before dawn on an early morning, 16 male visitors in their twenties to sixties were killed in a possibly incendiary fire at a 'private video parlor' consisting of small compartments in a building. The main causes of death as determined by forensic autopsy were acute carbon monoxide (CO) intoxication for all of the 15 found-dead victims, and hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy following acute CO intoxication for a victim who died in hospital. Burns were mild (<20% of body surface) in most victims, except for three victims found between the entrance and the estimated fire-outbreak site; thus, identification was completed without difficulty, supported by DNA analysis. Blood carboxyhemoglobin saturation (COHb) was higher for victims found dead in the inner area. Blood cyanide levels were sublethal, moderately correlated to COHb, but were higher in victims found around the estimated fire-outbreak site. There was no evidence of thinner, alcohol or drug abuse, or an attack of disease as a possible cause of an accidental fire outbreak. These observations contribute to evidence-based reconstruction of the fire disaster, and suggest how deaths could have been prevented by appropriate disaster measures. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:火灾是造成大量法医学问题的大规模灾难的重要原因。在一个清晨的黎明之前,二十多岁至六十多岁的16名男性游客在一个可能由烈性大火中丧生的“私人视频客厅”中,该客厅由一栋小隔间组成。通过法医尸检确定的主要死亡原因是,所有15名死者均死于急性一氧化碳(CO)中毒,住院死亡的患者在急性中毒后发生了缺氧缺血性脑病。除了在入口与估计的火灾爆发地点之间发现的三名受害者外,大多数受害者的灼伤程度较轻(<20%的身体表面);因此,在DNA分析的支持下,鉴定就毫不费力地完成了。对于在内部区域发现死亡的受害者,血液中的羧基血红蛋白饱和度(COHb)较高。血液中的氰化物水平是致命的,与COHb呈中等相关性,但在估计的火灾爆发地点附近发现的受害者中血氰化物水平较高。没有证据表明稀释剂,酒精或药物滥用或疾病发作是造成意外火灾的可能原因。这些观察结果有助于对火灾进行基于证据的重建,并提出了通过适当的灾害措施可以预防死亡的建议。 (C)2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd.保留所有权利。



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