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Is noise policy a global issue, or is it a local issue?


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The answer to the question posed by the title is, of course, that noise policy has both global and local aspects. It is the purpose here to examine policy issues that relate to noise, and to define those aspects that are truly international, as well as those that can be considered from a strictly local viewpoint. There is a trend in some countries to consider noise from the policy standpoint as a strictly local problem to be handled by municipal officials, rather than as an international problem to be dealt with by central governments. There are several reasons for this attitude. In many regions of the world, noise pollution has had a lower priority than other environmental problems, such as air and water pollution. Outdoor noise propagates through the air to the ears of listeners, rather than through the ground or through solid structures, and over relatively short distances (usually less than 10 km). Moreover noise is non-persistent and non-ionizing radiation. The uninitiated might conclude that noise is strictly a local phenomenon, and therefore to be dealt with exclusively by local authorities. This might be effective if all of the noise sources in a listener's environment were under local control, but such is usually not the case. A dictionary definition of a policy is: "a high-level overall plan embracing the general goals and acceptable procedures especially of a governmental body." The governmental bodies involved in establishing and implementing noise policies are those of local municipalities or sub-divisions of sovereign states, federal governments, and regional and international bodies such as the European Union and the United Nations. The federal, state, and local governmental bodies of the U.S.A. have attempted to establish noise policies over the past several decades with mixed results. The American experience in setting noise policies will first be reviewed, followed by a brief discussion of the experience of other governmental bodies, and finally a classification scheme will be presented to assist in the identification of global and local issues.
机译:标题所提出的问题的答案当然是,噪声政策既有全球性的又有地方性的。此处的目的是研究与噪声相关的政策问题,并定义真正具有国际性的方面以及可以从严格的本地角度考虑的方面。从政策的角度来看,一些国家存在一种趋势,即将噪声视为市政官员要严格处理的地方问题,而不是由中央政府处理的国际问题。这种态度有几个原因。在世界许多地区,噪声污染的优先级低于空气和水污染等其他环境问题。室外噪声通过空气传播到听众的耳朵,而不是通过地面或固体结构传播,并且传播的距离相对较短(通常小于10 km)。此外,噪声是非持久且非电离的辐射。没有经验的人可能会得出结论,噪音严格来说是一种局部现象,因此应由地方当局专门处理。如果收听者环境中的所有噪声源都在本地控制下,则这可能是有效的,但通常并非如此。字典对政策的定义是:“包含总体目标和可接受程序的高层总体计划,特别是政府机构。”参与制定和实施噪声政策的政府机构是地方自治市或主权国家,联邦政府以及欧盟和联合国等区域和国际机构的分区。在过去的几十年中,美国的联邦,州和地方政府机构试图建立噪音政策,但结果却喜忧参半。首先将回顾美国制定噪声政策的经验,然后简要讨论其他政府机构的经验,最后将提出分类方案,以帮助识别全球和本地问题。



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