首页> 外文期刊>Langmuir: The ACS Journal of Surfaces and Colloids >Electrophoretic motion of a circular cylindrical particle in a circular cylindrical microchannel

Electrophoretic motion of a circular cylindrical particle in a circular cylindrical microchannel


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This paper investigates the electrophoretic motion of a circular cylindrical particle with hemispherical ends in a circular cylindrical microchannel filled with an aqueous' electrolyte solution. The influences of three parameters on the electrophoretic motion of the particle are considered: the ratio of the particle radius to the channel radius, a/b; the ratio of the axial length of the particle to its radius, L/a; and the ratio of the zeta potential of the channel to that of the particle, y = zeta(w)/zeta(p). It is assumed that the electrical double layers are thin, that is, kappaa --> infinity. In the analysis, the liquid phase is divided into the inner region, which consists of the electrical double layers, and the outer region, which consists of the remainder of the liquid. A theoretical model governing the inner region and the outer region has been constructed, and a force balance on the particle surface is used to determine the particle velocity. The finite element method is employed to solve the resulting set of equations. It is found that the particle velocity in a microchannel decreases as a/b increases or as L/a increases. The particle velocity is also found to decrease linearly as y increases. On the basis of these results, an analysis of the electrophoretic separation of particles in a microchannel is presented. It is found that circular cylindrical particles of the same zeta potential, in small circular cylindrical microchannels filled with an aqueous electrolyte solution, can be separated by size. [References: 14]
机译:本文研究了在装有电解质水溶液的圆柱形微通道中,具有半球形末端的圆柱形颗粒的电泳运动。考虑了三个参数对粒子电泳运动的影响:粒子半径与通道半径之比a / b;颗粒的轴向长度与其半径之比,L / a;通道的zeta电位与粒子的zeta电位之比y = zeta(w)/ zeta(p)。假设双电层很薄,即kappaa->无穷大。在分析中,液相被分为内部区域和外部区域,其中内部区域由双电层组成,外部区域由液体的其余部分组成。建立了控制内部区域和外部区域的理论模型,并使用粒子表面上的力平衡来确定粒子速度。采用有限元法求解方程组。发现随着a / b增加或L / a增加,微通道中的粒子速度降低。还发现粒子速度随着y的增加而线性降低。基于这些结果,提出了微通道中颗粒电泳分离的分析。已经发现,在充满电解质水溶液的小的圆柱形微通道中,具有相同ζ电位的圆柱形颗粒可以按尺寸分离。 [参考:14]



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