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Alchemilla (Rosaceae) in the Massif Central (France).Introduction and one new Species Alchemilla reflexasp. nov.


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RESEARCH PAPERAlchemilla (Rosaceae) in the Massif Central (France).Introduction and one new Species Alchemilla reflexasp. nov.Peter Frost-OlsenHerbarium, Science Museums, Aarhus University, Ole Worms Allé 1, Building 1137, DK-8000 Aarhus C, DenmarkAnew species of Alchemilla L. (Rosaceae), A. reflexa Frost-Ols., is described and illustrated.A. reflexa is characterized by deflexed indumentum on petioles and stems, orbicular leaveswith imbricate basal lobes and crimson-magenta coloured basal stipules.It is distributed inthe Massif Central, France, where it is widespread, and in northeastern Pyrenees (déps.Ariège and Aude). A. reflexa is compared with two species previously recorded from theMassif Central with doubt, A. exigua Buser and A. strigosula Buser and with A. filicaulisBuser that can be misidentified as A. reflexa in the field. An introduction to past treatments ofAlchemilla in the Massif Central is provided as well as adiscussion of some morphologicalelements used for delimiting Alchemilla taxa.
机译:研究文件位于法国Massif Central的炼金术(蔷薇科)介绍和一种新种Alchemilla reflexasp。彼得·弗罗斯特·奥尔森植物标本馆,奥胡斯大学科学博物馆,奥尔勒蠕虫Allé1号楼,建于137-DK,8000-奥胡斯C,丹麦描写并举例说明了新种的Alchemilla L.(蔷薇科),A。reflexa Frost-Ols。一种。 reflexa的特征是在叶柄和茎,具圆形的基部裂片和深红色-品红色基部托叶的圆形叶片上弯曲挠性金属,它分布于法国的Massif Central和比利牛斯山脉东北部(déps.Ariège和Aude)。反射曲霉菌与先前有怀疑地由马西夫中央组织记录的两个物种,即埃克苏伊斯巴格氏菌和曲霉曲霉克氏菌,以及与在现场可能被误认为是反射曲霉菌的丝虫曲霉进行了比较。介绍了过去在地块中部炼金术的治疗方法,并讨论了一些用于界定炼金学分类单元的形态学元素。



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