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Filling evidence gaps with expert opinion: the use of Delphi analysis in least-cost modelling of functional connectivity.


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Assessment of landscape functional connectivity is increasingly important for planning landscape scale conservation measures. However, measuring the functional connectivity of landscapes is challenging due to the lack of data on species landscape interactions and because connectivity is species-specific. We developed parameters for a connectivity indicator using Delphi analysis, and critically examine the use of Delphi analysis in this context. To calculate the connectivity indicator we used the following parameters: maximum dispersal distance, negative edge effects of different land cover, and relative permeability of different land cover. Delphi is a technique designed to numerically synthesise expert opinion in data-poor environments and is based on repetitive questionnaires interspersed with controlled feedback. Three panels of experts were assembled, one covering each of three habitats of interest. Experts found the process challenging especially fixing exact numbers given the potential range of values. However, panels generally assigned higher permeability and low edge effects to semi-natural land cover classes, assigning low permeability and high edge impacts to more modified land cover. During the Delphi process we found that experts were prepared to alter their answers in response to feedback from the previous round. Participants' answers which did change between rounds generally changed to approach the group median, and when they did, the associated confidence score was more likely to rise than to fall. After three rounds, answers were generally stable. Delphi proved a useful method to use to generate parameter values for the connectivity indicator, with the method particularly acceptable to stakeholders of the indicator project.
机译:景观功能连通性的评估对于规划景观尺度保护措施越来越重要。但是,由于缺乏有关物种景观相互作用的数据,并且因为连通性是特定物种的,因此测量景观的功能连通性具有挑战性。我们使用Delphi分析开发了用于连通性指标的参数,并在这种情况下严格检查了Delphi分析的使用。为了计算连通性指标,我们使用以下参数:最大分散距离,不同土地覆被的负边缘效应以及不同土地覆被的相对渗透率。 Delphi是一项旨在在数据匮乏的环境中以数字方式综合专家意见的技术,该技术基于散布有受控反馈的重复调查表。召集了三个专家小组,每个小组涵盖了三个感兴趣的栖息地。专家发现,在给定潜在值范围的情况下,该过程特别具有固定确切数字的难度。但是,面板通常将较高的渗透性和较低的边缘效果分配给半自然的土地覆盖类别,将较低的渗透性和较高的边缘冲击分配给更多的改良土地覆盖。在德尔菲过程中,我们发现专家已准备好根据上一轮的反馈来更改答案。参与者的回答在两轮之间确实发生了变化,通常改变为接近组中位数,而当他们这样做时,相关的置信度得分更有可能上升而不是下降。经过三轮,答案通常是稳定的。德尔福(Delphi)被证明是一种用于为连通性指标生成参数值的有用方法,该方法特别适合指标项目的利益相关者使用。



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