首页> 外文期刊>Landscape and Urban Planning >The cooling efficiency of urban landscape strategies in a hot dry climate

The cooling efficiency of urban landscape strategies in a hot dry climate


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This paper describes a climatic analysis of landscape strategies for outdoor cooling in a hot-arid region, considering the efficiency of water use. Six landscape strategies were studied, using different combinations of trees, lawn, and an overhead shade mesh. The effects of these treatments were tested during the summer season in two semi-enclosed courtyards located at an urban settlement in the arid Negev Highlands of southern Israel. Compared to a non-vegetated exposed courtyard, which on average reached a maximum air temperature of 34 super(o)C in mid-afternoon, a similar courtyard treated with shade trees and grass yielded a daytime temperature depression of up to 2.5K, while shading the courtyard with a fabric shading mesh, counter-intuitively, caused a relative increase of nearly 1K. Unshaded grass was found to cause only a small air temperature depression and had the highest water requirement. However when the grass was shaded, either by the trees or by the shade mesh, a synergic effect produced greater cooling as well as a reduction of more than 50% in total water use. The ''cooling efficiency'' of these strategies was calculated as the ratio between the sensible heat removed from the space and the latent heat of evaporation, with the latter representing the amount of water required for landscape irrigation. This measure is proposed as a criterion for evaluating landscape strategies in arid regions, where water resources are scarce.
机译:本文介绍了考虑热利用效率的热干旱地区室外降温景观策略的气候分析。使用树木,草坪和高架遮阳网的不同组合,研究了六种景观策略。在夏季,在以色列南部干旱的内盖夫高地城市居民区的两个半封闭庭院中测试了这些处理的效果。与无植物的裸露庭院相比,午后平均平均最高气温为34 super(o)C,相比之下,用遮荫树和草处理的类似庭院每天白天最多可降低2.5K,而与直觉相反,用织物遮阳网对庭院进行遮阳使相对增加了近1K。发现未遮荫的草只会引起很小的气温下降,并且需水量最高。但是,无论是用树木还是用遮阳网将草遮荫,协同作用都会产生更大的凉爽效果,并减少总用水量50%以上。这些策略的“冷却效率”计算为从空间中去除的显热与蒸发潜热之比,蒸发潜热代表景观灌溉所需的水量。建议将该措施作为评估水资源匮乏的干旱地区景观策略的标准。



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