首页> 外文期刊>Landscape and Urban Planning >Roost selection flexibility of European starlings aids invasion of urban landscape

Roost selection flexibility of European starlings aids invasion of urban landscape


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The ability to shift habitat preferences is one of the characteristics of flexibility in a species and can be a key to the success of invasive species. Our objective in this paper was to analyse the possible behavioural flexibility of European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) through its rapid adjustment to changes in roost site availability. First we analysed the change of starling roost sites at regional (Brittany, 1973-1997, 87 sites) and at town scales (Rennes, 1983-2004, 59 sites) in western France. Site selection followed changes in habitat availability, switching from reed beds to conifer plantations regionally, and from hedges/bushes to trees, especially conifers, in Rennes. Secondly, we analysed urban roost sites measuring several characteristics of trees and neighbouring environment. Roost trees were taller and had a bole circumference and canopy larger than non-roost trees. Trees with a large amount of small branches were more selected by starlings. Among environmental features including landscape composition and configuration, only temperature was higher in roost sites. Starlings show great flexibility in choice of roost site characteristics which may in part explain their success as an invasive species and as urban colonists. Despite such flexibility, preferred roost site characteristics could be used to reduce urban nuisance by managing/creating sites in less sensitive locations..
机译:改变栖息地偏好的能力是物种灵活性的特征之一,并且可能是入侵物种成功的关键。本文的目的是通过对欧洲八哥(Sturnus vulgaris)的栖息地可利用性变化进行快速调整来分析其可能的行为灵活性。首先,我们分析了法国西部地区(布列塔尼,1973-1997年,87个站点)和城镇规模(雷恩,1983-2004,59个站点)的八哥栖息地的变化。选址是根据生境可用性的变化而进行的,在雷恩地区从芦苇床变为针叶林,从树篱/灌木丛变为树木,尤其是针叶树。其次,我们分析了测量树木和周围环境的几个特征的城市栖息地。栖息的树木比非栖息的树木更高,并且其树干周长和树冠更大。 star鸟更倾向于选择带有大量小树枝的树木。在包括景观组成和配置在内的环境特征中,只有栖息地的温度更高。 ling鸟在栖息地特征的选择上显示出极大的灵活性,这在一定程度上可以解释它们作为入侵物种和作为城市殖民者的成功。尽管具有这样的灵活性,但是可以通过在不太敏感的位置管理/创建站点来使用首选的栖息地特征来减少城市的滋扰。



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