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Command PERFORMANCE: A finely tuned Herne Bay garden provides a perfect backing for the siren song of the sea


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Some gardens are destined to be superstars and others fill a supporting role, aim ing for memorability without stealing the thunder of the location. It's a fine line that Annie and David Walden's Herne Bay garden observes with uncommon flair. Beyond the shiny steel front gate, the introduction to the garden is gradual and subtle. A small courtyard has been created as a buffer between the street and the house. Water slicing through a stainless steel slit into a rectangular pond provides a lovely sound.
机译:有些花园注定是超级巨星,而另一些花园则扮演辅助角色,目的是在不窃取位置雷鸣的情况下,具有纪念性。安妮(Annie)和大卫·沃尔登(David Walden)的黑尔讷湾花园(Herne Bay)观察到的那条细线有着罕见的天赋。除了闪亮的钢制前门,花园的介绍是循序渐进和微妙的。在街道和房屋之间建立了一个小庭院作为缓冲。水通过不锈钢狭缝切成矩形池塘,发出悦耳的声音。



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