首页> 外文期刊>Numerische Mathematik >The condition number of real Vandermonde, Krylov and positive definite Hankel matrices

The condition number of real Vandermonde, Krylov and positive definite Hankel matrices


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We show that the Euclidean condition number of any positive definite Hankel matrix of order n greater than or equal to 3 may be bounded from below by gamma(n-1)/(16n) with gamma = exp(4 . Catalan/pi) approximate to 3.210, and that this bound may be improved at most by a factor 8 gamma n. Similar estimates are given for the class of real Vandermonde matrices, the class of row-scaled real Vandermonde matrices, and the class of Krylov matrices with Hermitian argument. Improved bounds are derived for the case where the abscissae or eigenvalues are included in a given real interval. Our findings confirm that all such matrices - including for instance the famous Hilbert matrix - are ill-conditioned already for "moderate" order. As application, we describe implications of our results for the numerical condition of various tasks in Numerical Analysis such as polynomial and rational interpolation at real nodes, determination of real roots of polynomials, computation of coefficients of orthogonal polynomials, or the iterative solution of linear systems of equations. Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): 15A12, 65F35. [References: 23]
机译:我们表明,任何阶数大于或等于3的正定Hankel矩阵的欧几里得条件数都可以由gamma(n-1)/(16n)从下面限定,其中gamma = exp(4。加泰罗尼亚语/ pi)近似到3.210,并且这个界限最多可以提高8γn。对于实范德蒙德矩阵类别,行缩放实范德蒙德矩阵类别以及带有Hermitian参数的Krylov矩阵类别,也给出了类似的估计。对于将横坐标或特征值包含在给定的实际间隔中的情况,可以得出改进的边界。我们的发现证实,所有此类矩阵-包括著名的希尔伯特矩阵-都已处于“中等”阶数的病态。作为应用,我们描述了结果对数值分析中各种任务的数值条件的影响,例如在实节点处的多项式和有理插值,确定多项式的实根,计算正交多项式的系数或线性系统的迭代解方程组。数学学科分类(1991):15A12,65F35。 [参考:23]



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