首页> 外文期刊>Catena: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Soil Science Hydrology-Geomorphology Focusing on Geoecology and Landscape Evolution >Flooding hydrology and peak discharge attenuation along the middle Araguaia River in central Brazil

Flooding hydrology and peak discharge attenuation along the middle Araguaia River in central Brazil


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The Araguaia River in central Brazil is the largest river draining the Brazilian savanna. Located in a tropical wet dry climate, the middle Araguaia River has an extensive and complex alluvial floodplain composed of a mosaic of geomorphologic units, dense alluvial forest, and many floodplain lakes. The Araguaia River is not currently dammed, and thus it provides an opportunity to analyze flooding hydrology in a relatively un-altered tropical system. Using average daily discharge measurements from 1975 to 2011, we analyze patterns of peak discharge attenuation (defined as the reduction in absolute peak discharge in m(3) s(-1)). We link peak discharge attenuation to bankfull discharge, explore whether peak discharge attenuation results in increased base level flows in the dry season following peak discharge, and use a simplified short-term water budget to determine whether peak discharge attenuation results in the loss of discharge from the channel over the flooding season (November to May). In addition, we explore other potential factors causing peak discharge attenuation, including surface water connectivity between the channel and floodplain lakes and floodplain lake area change between the dry season and the wet season. Although fluvial connectivity between the main channel and the floodplains starts before bankfull stage, we find that large peak discharge attenuation (up to 30% reduction in peak discharge) in the middle Araguaia usually occurs when the river rises above bankfull discharge. The river flow that is lost to the flood plain and floodplain lakes when peak discharge attenuation occurs usually returns to the channel by the end of the flooding season. However, the odds of increased baseflows in the dry season after flooding seasons with peak discharge attenuation are higher compared to flooding seasons without peak discharge attenuation for one of the studied reaches. Some types of floodplain lakes greatly increase in area from the dry season to the wet season, and many floodplain lakes become connected via surface water in the wet season. We have not found similar examples of peak attenuation in this type of tropical wet-dry floodplain system, indicating that the middle Araguaia River may be a unique system or that further research is needed. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:巴西中部的Araguaia河是排水巴西大草原的最大河。位于热带湿润的干旱气候中,阿拉瓜河中部有广阔而复杂的冲积平原,由地貌单元,茂密的冲积森林和许多漫滩湖泊组成。阿拉瓜河目前尚未被筑坝,因此它为分析相对未变的热带系统中的洪水水文学提供了机会。使用1975年至2011年的平均每日流量测量值,我们分析了峰值流量衰减的模式(定义为绝对峰值流量的降低,单位为m(3)s(-1))。我们将峰值排放衰减与堤岸排放联系起来,探讨峰值排放衰减是否会导致峰值排放后的干旱季节增加基准水位,并使用简化的短期水预算来确定峰值排放衰减是否会导致排放的损失。洪水季节(11月至5月)的航道。此外,我们还探讨了导致峰值流量衰减的其他潜在因素,包括河道与洪泛区湖泊之间的地表水连通性以及洪泛区和湖区在旱季和雨季之间的变化。尽管主要河道与洪泛区之间的河流连通性在河岸满水阶段之前就开始了,但我们发现,当河流上升到河岸满水流量以上时,中部阿拉瓜通常会出现大的峰流量衰减(峰流量最多减少30%)。当洪峰流量衰减出现时,流失到洪泛区和洪泛区湖泊的河水通常会在洪水季节结束时返回河道。然而,对于其中一个研究河段,在洪峰季节之后洪峰季节出现枯水期,而洪峰流量衰减最大的几率要高于没有洪峰峰衰减的洪涝季节。从旱季到雨季,某些类型的洪泛区湖泊面积大大增加,并且在洪季,许多洪泛区湖泊通过地表水相连。我们还没有在这种类型的热带干湿洪泛区系统中找到类似的峰值衰减实例,这表明中阿拉瓜河可能是一个独特的系统,或者需要进一步研究。 (C)2016 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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