首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Applied Polymer Science >Dyeing properties of wool fabrics treated with atmospheric pressure plasmas

Dyeing properties of wool fabrics treated with atmospheric pressure plasmas


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The dyeing properties of wool treated with atmospheric pressure plasma are investigated in terms of exhaustion with dyeing time, absorption isotherm and C-t/C-infinity. versus t(1/2) curves, dyeing rate (half-dyeing time), exhaustion at dyeing equilibrium, and color fastnesses. The wettablity and surface morphology of the plasma-treated wool are also analyzed. Through both air/helium and oxygen/helium atmospheric pressure plasma treatments, the water contact angle of the fabric decreases from 132.4 degrees to 0 degrees and water penetration time drops from more than 2000 s to 1 s or 2 s. The scanning electron microscopy analysis shows etching and crack marks on treated fiber surfaces. The plasma treatments greatly increase initial dyeing rate, shorten half-dyeing time, t(1/2), and the time to reach dyeing equilibrium, although the final exhaustion and color fastnesses do not change. The Langmuir adsorption equation is also valid for the plasma-treated wools dyed with an acid dye. (c) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:研究了常压等离子体处理的羊毛的染色性能随染色时间的耗竭、吸收等温线和C-t/C-无穷大等大。与 T(1/2) 曲线相比,染色速率(半染时间)、染色平衡时的耗竭和色牢度。还分析了等离子处理羊毛的湿性和表面形貌。通过空气/氦气和氧气/氦气常压等离子体处理,织物的水接触角从132.4度减小到0度,渗水时间从2000多秒下降到1秒或2秒。扫描电子显微镜分析显示处理过的纤维表面有蚀刻和裂纹痕迹。等离子处理大大提高了初始染色率,缩短了半染时间t(1/2)和达到染色平衡的时间,但最终的耗竭和色牢度没有改变。朗缪尔吸附方程也适用于用酸性染料染色的等离子处理羊毛。(c) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.



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