
Discrepancy in pd breakup reaction at E-p=13 MeV

机译:E-p = 13 MeV时pd分解反应的差异

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We made three kinds of measurements at E-p=13 MeV; i) D(p,pp)n experiment at ppFSI, ii) D(p,p)pn experiment at theta(p)=10 degrees - 60 degrees, and iii) D(p,pp)n experiment at many angle pairs around the space star. For an easy estimate of Coulomb effects in pd breakup reaction, we proposed Watson- Migdal & Faddeev calculation which was found to give nearly the same results as the pd calculation by Deltuva et al.. Cross sections of i) and ii) are well reproduced by the pd calculation, however, 10-15% discrepancy has been found between the cross section of iii) and the calculation.
机译:我们在E-p = 13 MeV时进行了三种测量。 i)ppFSI的D(p,pp)n实验,ii)theta(p)= 10度-60度的D(p,p)n实验,iii)许多角度对的D(p,pp)n实验围绕太空之星。为了方便地估计pd分解反应中的库仑效应,我们提出了Watson-Migdal和Faddeev计算,发现得出的结果几乎与Deltuva等人的pd计算结果相同。i)和ii)的横截面可以很好地重现。然而,通过pd计算,发现iii)的横截面与计算之间存在10-15%的差异。



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