首页> 外文期刊>Catena: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Soil Science Hydrology-Geomorphology Focusing on Geoecology and Landscape Evolution >Modelling sediment transport from bare rilled hillslopes by areally averaged transport equations.

Modelling sediment transport from bare rilled hillslopes by areally averaged transport equations.


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Treating the dynamics of sediment transport as two-dimensional on interrill-areas and as one-dimensional in rill sections, areally averaged sheet sediment transport equations are developed. The two-dimensional sheet sediment transport equation is averaged over an individual interrill-area width and then along the interrill-area length to obtain local-scale areally averaged interrill-area sheet sediment transport equation (local-scale areal averaging). Similarly, the cross-sectionally-averaged rill sediment transport equation is averaged along an individual rill length to obtain local-scale areally averaged rill sediment transport equation (local-scale areal averaging). In order to minimize computational effort and economize on the number of model parameters, the local-scale areally averaged equations are then averaged over a whole hillslope section (large-scale areal averaging). These equations constitute the areally averaged model. The expectations of the terms containing more than one variable are obtained by the method of regular perturbation. In the large-scale areal averaging it is assumed that all the randomness in the state variable is due to the randomness in the parameters of the process. Comparison of the results obtained from the areally averaged model with those of the point-scale model indicates that the areally averaged model uses far less data and yet it performs as well as the point-scale model. The results of the developed model indicate that on a rilled-surface most of the sediment loads comes from rill sections. The developed model is successfully tested against experimental data obtained from a bare rilled hillslope. It predicted measured runoff and sediment rates with mean absolute errors of 11.07 l/min and 0.382 kg/s, respectively..
机译:将钻探区间的泥沙运移动力学看作是二维的,而在河段上则是一维的,因此建立了面积平均的片状泥沙运移方程。将二维片状沉积物输送方程式在单个钻进区域宽度上求平均,然后沿着钻进区域长度求平均,得到局部尺度上平均的钻探区域片状沉积物输送方程式(局部尺度平均)。类似地,将横截面平均的钻探沉积物输送方程式沿单个钻探长度平均,以获得局部尺度的区域平均钻探沉积物输送方程式(局部尺度的面积平均)。为了最大程度地减少计算工作量并节省模型参数的数量,然后在整个山坡截面上对局部比例的平面平均方程进行平均(比例平面平均)。这些方程式构成了面积平均模型。包含多个变量的项的期望值是通过定期扰动方法获得的。在大规模区域平均中,假定状态变量中的所有随机性均归因于过程参数的随机性。从区域平均模型获得的结果与点比例模型的结果进行比较,结果表明,区域平均模型使用的数据少得多,但其性能与点比例模型一样好。所开发模型的结果表明,在有钻孔的表面上,大多数沉积物负荷都来自有钻孔的部分。针对从裸露的山坡获得的实验数据,成功测试了开发的模型。它以平均绝对误差分别为11.07 l / min和0.382 kg / s的方式预测了测得的径流量和沉积物速率。



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