首页> 外文期刊>Nucleic Acids Research >A minimum structure of aminoglycosides that causes an initiation shift of trans-translation

A minimum structure of aminoglycosides that causes an initiation shift of trans-translation


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Trans-translation is an unusual translation in which transfer-messenger RNA plays a dual function-as a tRNA and an mRNA-to relieve the stalled translation on the ribosome. It has been shown that paromomycin, a typical member of a 4,5-disubstituted class of aminoglycosides, causes a shift of the translation-resuming point on the tmRNA by -1 during transtranslation. To address the molecular basis of this novel effect, we examined the effects of various aminoglycosides that can bind around the A site of the small subunit of the ribosome on trans-translation in vitro. Tobramycin and gentamicin, belonging to the 4,6-disubstituted class of aminoglycosides having rings I and 11 similar to those in the 4,5-disubstituted class, possess similar effects. Neamine, which has only rings I and 11, a common structure shared by 4,5- and 4,6-disubstituted classes of aminoglycosides, was sufficient to cause an initiation shift of trans-translation. In contrast, streptomycin or hygromycin B, lacking ring 1, did not cause an initiation shift. The effect of each aminoglycoside on transtranslation coincides with that on conformational change in the A site of the small subunit of the ribosome revealed by recent structural studies: paromomycin, tobramycin and geneticin which is categorized into the gentamicin subclass, but not streptomycin and hygromycin B, flip out two conserved adenine bases at 1492 and 1493 from the A site helix. The pattern of initiation shifts by paromomycin fluctuates with variation of mutations introduced into a region upstream of the initiation point.



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