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Peelerosa Tree Farm focuses on Oklahoma-friendly trees: Growers rely on grow bags to produce quality trees


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In just five years, Les and Benita Peeler, co-owners of Peelerosa Tree Farm, have turned 35 formerly untamed acres of land into a thriving nursery in Harrah, Okla. And they are just getting started with a balance of 45 acres left to develop. This full-service wholesale nursery is in its third year of sales, and the Peelers continue to evolve by listening to the needs of their clientele and responding accordingly. The Peelers independently came to the realization that there was more that needed to bedone with their land besides just hay and cattle production. This gut feeling became more pronounced as they began touring Oklahoma tree farms. Benita has backed up her in-field training with horticultural courses at Oklahoma State University-Oklahoma City.
机译:在短短的五年内,Peelerosa树农场的共同所有者Les和Benita Peeler将35公顷原先未驯化的土地变成了俄克拉荷马州Harrah欣欣向荣的苗圃,而他们刚开始时还剩下45英亩的土地用于开发。这家提供全方位服务的苗圃已经进入销售的第三年,削皮器公司通过听取客户的需求并做出相应的回应来不断发展。剥皮者独立地意识到,除了干草和牲畜生产以外,还有更多的土地需要整理。当他们开始游览俄克拉荷马州的树木农场时,这种直觉变得更加明显。贝尼塔(Benita)在俄克拉荷马州立大学(Oklahoma State University)-俄克拉荷马市(Oklahoma City)的园艺课程中为她的野外训练提供了支持。



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