首页> 外文期刊>North American Journal of Fisheries Management >Examination of a Single-Unit, Multiple-Pass Electrofishing Protocol to Reliably Estimate Fish Assemblage Composition in Wadeable Streams of the Mid-Atlantic Region of the USA

Examination of a Single-Unit, Multiple-Pass Electrofishing Protocol to Reliably Estimate Fish Assemblage Composition in Wadeable Streams of the Mid-Atlantic Region of the USA


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Electrofishing is a valuable tool used to collect fish assemblage data, which is often vital to ecological assessments; however, wadeable electrofishing protocols vary in optimal reach length and number of passes based on study objectives, stream size, and geographic region, among other factors. This study examined a method intended to efficiently assess fish assemblage composition through the use of a single-unit, width-based electrofishing protocol using multiple passes. Fish assemblage data were collected using backpack or tote barge electrofishing equipment from 93 wadeable streams 2.3-76.4 m in width in the Susquehanna River basin (SRB). Results indicated that >97% of total species present were collected after the first two electrofishing passes, regardless of stream size. New species were more often captured on subsequent electrofishing passes in larger streams. Compared with other studies our results suggest less electrofishing effort is necessary to accurately estimate fish assemblage composition in smaller streams and in more depauperate ichthyofaunal regions. A single electrofishing pass satisfied the objective of obtaining >= 90% assemblage similarity in small streams = 5 m wide. Two electrofishing passes were necessary to reach >= 90% assemblage similarity in larger wadeable SRB streams > 5 m in width. Results suggest a single electrofishing unit and a crew of = 4 individuals can obtain reliable estimates of fish assemblage composition from wadeable streams of various sizes, which may be desirable when personnel or gear is limited. The shortcomings of single-unit, multiple-pass electrofishing (e.g., inability to model abundance or species richness) reinforce the need for managers and researchers to choose electrofishing protocols based on study objectives. Overall, our results suggest that the single-unit, multiple-pass protocol performed throughout a reach equal to 10 times the stream width is appropriate to reliably estimate fish assemblage composition in streams of the mid-Atlantic and northeastern regions of the United States.
机译:电钓鱼是一种用于收集鱼群数据的有价值的工具,这通常对生态评估至关重要;但是,根据研究目标,溪流大小和地理区域等因素,可涉水电钓鱼法的最佳触角长度和通行次数会有所不同。这项研究检查了一种方法,该方法旨在通过使用基于单元的,基于宽度的多道次电钓协议来有效地评估鱼类的组成。使用背包或手提驳船电钓鱼设备从萨斯奎哈纳河流域(SRB)的93条宽度为2.3-76.4 m的可涉溪流中收集鱼的聚集数据。结果表明,在头两次电钓鱼过后,无论水流大小如何,都收集了> 97%的总物种。新物种通常在较大的溪流中随后的电钓过程中被捕获。与其他研究相比,我们的结果表明,为准确估计较小溪流和更贫化的鱼鳞鱼区域中的鱼群组成,需要进行较少的电钓工作。单次电钓通过可以满足在= 5 m宽的小溪中获得> = 90%的装配相似度的目的。在宽度大于5 m的较大可涉水SRB流中,要达到> = 90%的装配相似度,必须进行两次电钓鱼。结果表明,一个单一的电钓鱼单元和一个= 4个人的船员就可以从各种大小的可涉水流中获得鱼群组成的可靠估计,这在人员或装备有限的情况下可能是理想的。单单位,多次通过电钓的缺点(例如,无法对丰度或物种丰富度进行建模)加剧了管理人员和研究人员根据研究目标选择电钓协议的需求。总体而言,我们的研究结果表明,在整个河道中进行的等于水流宽度10倍的单单位多次通过协议适合于可靠地估算美国中大西洋和东北地区河流中的鱼群组成。



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