首页> 外文期刊>Norwegian journal of agricultural sciences >Sorption of cadmium, zinc, copper and lead by soils developed on alum shales and other materials.

Sorption of cadmium, zinc, copper and lead by soils developed on alum shales and other materials.


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A laboratory experiment was conducted to study the adsorption of cadmium, zinc, copper and lead by four different soils (alum shale, sandy loam, organic soil and peat soil) developed on alum shale and other mineral materials. Equilibration time wasdetermined and half an hour shaking time was sufficient for near complete equilibration. The adsorption data were well fitted to the nonlinear Freundlich equation, the R2 value ranging from 0.966 to 0.999. The Freundlich adsorption isotherms showed thatthe curves are steep at low concentrations and became less steep when the concentration of metals in equilibrium solution increased. For all soils, with the exception of sandy loam, the adsorption capacity was high and the order of adsorption capacity was alum shale > peat soil > organic soil > sandy loam. The desorption of adsorbed amount of metals by 0.005M CaCl2 was low from all soils except for sandy loam. The order of desorption of metals was Cu < Pb < Zn < Cd. Desorption of all metals was least from alum shale, which indicated that metals were strongly adsorbed by this soil. The desorption of metals increased significantly when the concentration of desorbing solution (CaCl2) was increased from 0.005M to 0.5M.
机译:进行了一项室内实验,研究了在明矾页岩和其他矿物材料上发育的四种不同土壤(铝页岩,沙质壤土,有机土壤和泥炭土壤)对镉,锌,铜和铅的吸附。确定平衡时间,并且半小时的摇动时间足以接近完全平衡。吸附数据与非线性Freundlich方程完全吻合,R2值介于0.966至0.999之间。 Freundlich吸附等温线表明,低浓度时曲线陡峭,而平衡溶液中金属的浓度增加则曲线变缓。对于所有土壤,除沙壤土外,其吸附能力均较高,吸附能力的顺序为明矾页岩>泥炭土>有机土>沙壤土。除沙壤土外,所有土壤中0.005M CaCl2对金属的吸附量均较低。金属的解吸顺序为Cu



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